0302/2022 - Medicamentos para artrite reumatoide fornecidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em 2019 no Brasil: estudo de coorte Rheumatoid arthritis drugs provided by the Unified Health System in 2019 in Brazil: cohort study
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar características do fornecimento e fatores associados ao tratamento da artrite reumatóide no Brasil, com foco nos medicamentos biológicos modificadores do curso da doença (MMCDbio). Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com dados secundários do Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial do Sistema Único de Saúde. Foram incluídos pacientes com 16 anos ou mais, atendidos nos doze meses do ano de 2019. As análises foram feitas com fatores de exposição em relação aos desfechos: uso de MMCDbio e porte populacional. O estudo incluiu 155.679 pacientes, sendo 84,6% mulheres. Observou-se maior troca de MMCDbio e maior provisão de médicos reumatologistas nos municípios de maior porte (mais de 500 mil habitantes). Quase 40% dos pacientes utilizaram MMCDbio e estes apresentaram maior adesão ao tratamento (57,0% versus 64%, p=0,001). A dispensação de MMCDbio ocorreu para mais de um terço dos pacientes tratados para AR no Brasil e esteve associada ao maior percentual de disponibilidade de médicos reumatologistas e ao maior porte populacional dos municípios.
This article aims to analyze supply characteristics and factors associated with pharmacological treatment for RA in Brazil, focusing on bDMARDs. A retrospective study was carried out with secondary datathe Outpatient Information System, of the Unified Health System. Patients aged 16 years or older, who received RA medicines between January to December 2019, were included. The analyzes were performed with exposure factors in relation to the outcomes: use of DMCDbio and population size. The study included 155,679 patients (84.6% of whom were women). There was a greater exchange of bDMARDs and a greater supply of rheumatologists in larger municipalities (more than 500 thousand inhabitants). Almost 40% of the patients used bDMARDs and they showed greater adherence to treatment (57.0% versus 64%, p=0.001). The bDMARDs dispensed to more than a third of patients treated for RA in Brazil, were associated with the highest availability of rheumatologists and the larger population size of the municipalities.
Rheumatoid arthritis drugs provided by the Unified Health System in 2019 in Brazil: cohort study
Resumo (abstract):
This article aims to analyze supply characteristics and factors associated with pharmacological treatment for RA in Brazil, focusing on bDMARDs. A retrospective study was carried out with secondary datathe Outpatient Information System, of the Unified Health System. Patients aged 16 years or older, who received RA medicines between January to December 2019, were included. The analyzes were performed with exposure factors in relation to the outcomes: use of DMCDbio and population size. The study included 155,679 patients (84.6% of whom were women). There was a greater exchange of bDMARDs and a greater supply of rheumatologists in larger municipalities (more than 500 thousand inhabitants). Almost 40% of the patients used bDMARDs and they showed greater adherence to treatment (57.0% versus 64%, p=0.001). The bDMARDs dispensed to more than a third of patients treated for RA in Brazil, were associated with the highest availability of rheumatologists and the larger population size of the municipalities.
Oliveira, A.L.B., Costa-Lima, E., Campos, M., Lucia-Luiza, V.. Medicamentos para artrite reumatoide fornecidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em 2019 no Brasil: estudo de coorte. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/medicamentos-para-artrite-reumatoide-fornecidos-pelo-sistema-unico-de-saude-em-2019-no-brasil-estudo-de-coorte/18558?id=18558