0907/2013 - Mestrado Profissional em Saúde Pública: do marco legal à experiência em uma instituição de pesquisa e ensino Master Courses in Public Health: from legal basis to experience at a research and educational institution
Trata-se de um estudo sobre os discursos que vigoraram ao longo do tempo na legislação brasileira sobre Mestrado Profissional (MP), e como uma instituição de pesquisa e ensino na área da Saúde Pública se apropriou desses discursos na construção de suas propostas de cursos. Técnicas de análise de discurso foram utilizadas nos documentos legais e cotejadas com dezesseis propostas de cursos de MP da instituição-caso. Os resultados mostram que em relação à legislação, a análise da linha histórica permite dizer que as indefinições iniciais vêm progressivamente dando lugar ao entendimento de que a identidade dessa modalidade de formação pressupõe práticas pedagógicas que promovam o estreitamento das relações entre a academia e o mundo do trabalho. E, em relação às propostas de cursos de MP da instituição-caso, elas ainda operam com esquemas de formação tradicionalmente consolidados e tendem a conformar suas propostas à semelhança daquelas da modalidade acadêmica. Assumiu-se no presente estudo que o conjunto das propostas expressariam suficientemente as intencionalidades e, sobretudo, a visão das instituições formadoras na área de saúde pública sobre essa modalidade stricto sensu e cuja identidade ainda parece pouco determinada.
This study is about the discourses that drove the Brazilian legislation on Master in Public Health degree, and how a Brazilian School of Public Health took on such discourses in its course proposals. Discourse analysis techniques were applied to legal documents and to sixteen master programmes developed. Regard the legislation, its historical background allowed comprehend that the initial lack of definition progressively gave place to the understanding that the identity of such post-graduate education assumes pedagogical practices to promoting the strengthening of the relations between the academic and labour world. Such concept, however, does not prevail in the master programmes offered by the BSPH. The course proposals operate with consolidated qualification arrangements and generally tend to shape the master programmes in similarity with those of the academic one. It is assumed in this study that all proposals would express the intentions and programmes’ perspectives in the public health area and which identity is not yet clear.
Public Health
Master Degree
Master Courses in Public Health: from legal basis to experience at a research and educational institution
Resumo (abstract):
This study is about the discourses that drove the Brazilian legislation on Master in Public Health degree, and how a Brazilian School of Public Health took on such discourses in its course proposals. Discourse analysis techniques were applied to legal documents and to sixteen master programmes developed. Regard the legislation, its historical background allowed comprehend that the initial lack of definition progressively gave place to the understanding that the identity of such post-graduate education assumes pedagogical practices to promoting the strengthening of the relations between the academic and labour world. Such concept, however, does not prevail in the master programmes offered by the BSPH. The course proposals operate with consolidated qualification arrangements and generally tend to shape the master programmes in similarity with those of the academic one. It is assumed in this study that all proposals would express the intentions and programmes’ perspectives in the public health area and which identity is not yet clear.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Public Health
Master Degree
SANTOS, G. B., Virginia Alonso Hortale. Mestrado Profissional em Saúde Pública: do marco legal à experiência em uma instituição de pesquisa e ensino. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/jun). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/mestrado-profissional-em-saude-publica-do-marco-legal-a-experiencia-em-uma-instituicao-de-pesquisa-e-ensino/13216?id=13216