0191/2018 - Não realização de consulta odontológica entre gestantes no extremo sul do brasil: Um estudo de base populacional. Non-performance of dental consultation among pregnant women in southern brazil: A population based study.
Este estudo teve por objetivo medir a prevalência e identificar fatores associados à não utilização de assistência odontológica entre gestantes residentes no município de Rio Grande, RS. Em 2013, entrevistadores previamente treinados aplicaram questionário único, padronizado em até 48 horas após o parto à todas puérperas residentes neste município. Utilizou-se teste do qui-quadrado para comparar proporções e, da análise multivariável, regressão de Poisson com ajuste robusto da variância para a obtenção da razão de prevalências. Dentre 2.653 puérperas incluídas neste estudo, 60,1% (IC95%: 58,2% – 61,9%) não utilizaram qualquer tipo de serviço odontológico durante a gestação. Após ajuste, a probabilidade de não uso destes serviços foi significativamente maior entre gestantes de menor idade, renda e escolaridade, que viviam com maior número de pessoas no domicílio, que realizaram um menor número de consultas de pré-natal, que fizeram pré-natal no serviço público, e que não foram atendidas pela Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Incentivar gestantes com este perfil epidemiológico a procurar por serviços odontológicos durante as consultas de pré-natal e ampliar a oferta da ESF são medidas com grande potencial de elevar a cobertura para este tipo de serviço na localidade estudada.
The objective of this study was to measure the prevalence and identify factors associated with the non-use of dental care among pregnant women living in the municipality of Rio Grande, RS. In 2013, previously trained interviewers applied a single, standardized questionnaire within 48 hours after childbirth to all puerperal women living in this city. The chi-square test was used to compare proportions and,the multivariate analysis, Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment to obtain the prevalence ratio. Among the 2.653 puerperae included in this study, 60.1% (95% CI: 58.2% - 61.9%) did not use any type of dental service during gestation. After adjustment, the probability of not using these services was significantly higher among pregnant women of lower age, income and schooling, who lived with more people at home, who performed a smaller number of prenatal consultations, who did prenatal care in the public service, and which were not met by the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Encouraging pregnant women with this epidemiological profile to look for dental services during prenatal consultations and to expand the FHS offer are measures with great potential to increase coverage for this type of service in the studied location.
pregnant, dental care, prenatal care, oral health.
Non-performance of dental consultation among pregnant women in southern brazil: A population based study.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study was to measure the prevalence and identify factors associated with the non-use of dental care among pregnant women living in the municipality of Rio Grande, RS. In 2013, previously trained interviewers applied a single, standardized questionnaire within 48 hours after childbirth to all puerperal women living in this city. The chi-square test was used to compare proportions and,the multivariate analysis, Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment to obtain the prevalence ratio. Among the 2.653 puerperae included in this study, 60.1% (95% CI: 58.2% - 61.9%) did not use any type of dental service during gestation. After adjustment, the probability of not using these services was significantly higher among pregnant women of lower age, income and schooling, who lived with more people at home, who performed a smaller number of prenatal consultations, who did prenatal care in the public service, and which were not met by the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Encouraging pregnant women with this epidemiological profile to look for dental services during prenatal consultations and to expand the FHS offer are measures with great potential to increase coverage for this type of service in the studied location.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
pregnant, dental care, prenatal care, oral health.
Júnior, DJK, Marmitt, LP, Cesar, J. Não realização de consulta odontológica entre gestantes no extremo sul do brasil: Um estudo de base populacional.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/abr). [Citado em 13/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/nao-realizacao-de-consulta-odontologica-entre-gestantes-no-extremo-sul-do-brasil-um-estudo-de-base-populacional/16724?id=16724