0035/2016 - Necessidade e dinâmica da força de trabalho na atenção básica de saúde no Brasil. Workforce needs and dynamics in Brazilian primary health care.
• Célia Regina Rodrigues Gil - Gil, C.R.R. - Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Departamento de Saúde Coletiva - <reginagil@uol.com.br>
Área Temática:
Avaliação de Serviços de Saúde
A Atenção Básica e a Força de Trabalho em Saúde podem ser consideradas os grandes desafios do SUS, principalmente nas duas últimas décadas. Este artigo teve como objetivo descrever o crescimento e a distribuição regional das profissões de nível superior cadastradas em UBS. Estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, sobre as catorze profissões de nível superior nas cinco regiões brasileiras, de 2008 a 2013. Entre as categorias profissionais com as maiores taxas de crescimento nacional estão os professores de educação física, os nutricionistas, os terapeutas ocupacionais, os fisioterapeutas e os farmacêuticos. No Norte, a fisioterapia, o serviço social e a fonoaudiologia se destacaram com as maiores taxa de crescimento, no Nordeste, a educação física, a fisioterapia e a terapia ocupacional, no Centro-Oeste os destaques são a nutrição e a fisioterapia, no Sudeste nutrição e farmácia e a educação física apresentou crescimento proeminente no Sul. As maiores perdas ocorreram nas profissões biólogo e médico veterinário, em todas as regiões. De modo geral, as categorias profissionais que podem compor o NASF apresentaram crescimento superior aos enfermeiros e médicos.
Força de Trabalho em SaúdeUnidade Básica de SaúdeAtenção à SaúdeProfissionais de Saúde
Primary Health Care and Health Workforce are the challenges of Brazilian Unified Health System, in order to promote and provide health for all. This paper aimed to describe the evolution and distribution of health professionals registered in Basic Health Unit. It was a descriptive study with quantitative approach, of the fourteen professions with higher education in the Brazilian regions,2008 to 2013. The data were collectedNational Health Database of the Ministry of Health. Among the occupational groups with the highest national growth rates were physical education teachers, nutritionists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists. In the north region, physiotherapy, social work and speech stood out with the highest growth rate, in the Northeast, physical education, physical therapy and occupational therapy grew in the Midwest are the highlights nutrition and physiotherapy, in Southeast, nutrition and pharmacy and physical education presented growth in the south. The greatest losses occurred in the professions biologist and veterinarian, in all regions. In general, the professional categories that can make teams NASF, showed much higher growth to nurses and doctors.
Workforce needs and dynamics in Brazilian primary health care.
Resumo (abstract):
Primary Health Care and Health Workforce are the challenges of Brazilian Unified Health System, in order to promote and provide health for all. This paper aimed to describe the evolution and distribution of health professionals registered in Basic Health Unit. It was a descriptive study with quantitative approach, of the fourteen professions with higher education in the Brazilian regions,2008 to 2013. The data were collectedNational Health Database of the Ministry of Health. Among the occupational groups with the highest national growth rates were physical education teachers, nutritionists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists. In the north region, physiotherapy, social work and speech stood out with the highest growth rate, in the Northeast, physical education, physical therapy and occupational therapy grew in the Midwest are the highlights nutrition and physiotherapy, in Southeast, nutrition and pharmacy and physical education presented growth in the south. The greatest losses occurred in the professions biologist and veterinarian, in all regions. In general, the professional categories that can make teams NASF, showed much higher growth to nurses and doctors.
CARVALHO, MARSELLE, SAKAI, MARCIA HIROMI, DALLACOSTA, ESTER MASSAE OKAMOTO, Leite, S. N., Gil, C.R.R.. Necessidade e dinâmica da força de trabalho na atenção básica de saúde no Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/necessidade-e-dinamica-da-forca-de-trabalho-na-atencao-basica-de-saude-no-brasil/15457?id=15457