O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar como as notícias sobre suicídio são veiculadas em jornal eletrônico no Brasil. Comparou-se também se as recomendações da OMS são atendidas nessas publicações. Utilizou-se método documental, retrospectivo com abordagem quantitativa. A busca das notícias foi realizada no site de um jornal eletrônico de grande circulação no território nacional e foram analisadas 89 notícias publicadas sobre suicídio no período de um ano. Como resultados, observou-se que as recomendações da OMS são parcialmente seguidas. As análises apontam para a necessidade de reflexões, sensibilizações, monitoramento e ações educativas para promover o envolvimento seguro da mídia na divulgação de matérias relacionadas ao suicídio que colaborem com a prevenção do suicídio, redução de estigma e efeito contágio e conhecimento sobre recursos e estratégias de apoio.
Suicídio, Meios de Comunicação, Saúde Mental, Fatores de Risco, Brasil
The objective of the present study was to analyze how news about suicide is transmitted in an electronic newspaper in Brazil. It was also compared whether the WHO recommendations are met in these publications. We used a retrospective documentary method with a quantitative approach. The search for the news was carried out on the website of an electronic newspaper of great circulation in the national territory and 89 published news stories on suicide were analyzed in a period of one year. As results, it was observed that the WHO recommendations are partially followed. The analysis point to the need for reflections, sensitization, monitoring and educational actions to promote the secure involvement of the media in the dissemination of suicide related materials that collaborate with suicide prevention, reduction of stigma and contagion effect, and knowledge about resources and strategies of suicide. support.
Suicide, Communications Media, Mental Health, Risk Factors, Brazil
The objective of the present study was to analyze how news about suicide is transmitted in an electronic newspaper in Brazil. It was also compared whether the WHO recommendations are met in these publications. We used a retrospective documentary method with a quantitative approach. The search for the news was carried out on the website of an electronic newspaper of great circulation in the national territory and 89 published news stories on suicide were analyzed in a period of one year. As results, it was observed that the WHO recommendations are partially followed. The analysis point to the need for reflections, sensitization, monitoring and educational actions to promote the secure involvement of the media in the dissemination of suicide related materials that collaborate with suicide prevention, reduction of stigma and contagion effect, and knowledge about resources and strategies of suicide. support.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Suicide, Communications Media, Mental Health, Risk Factors, Brazil