O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os dramas experenciados por artistas brasileiros durante o período da pandemia da COVID 19. A investigação integra um dos eixos de uma pesquisa mais ampla, acerca dos impactos sociais da pandemia no Brasil. Inicialmente, argumenta-se que a pandemia é um evento crítico com múltiplas escalas, que impacta de modos desiguais as populações, como é o caso dos profissionais do mundo artístico, em si mesmo um campo heterodoxo em termos de especialidades, remuneração, que já vinha sofrendo com os impactos da redução de investimentos em políticas públicas na área cultural desde meados da década de 2010. Tendo em vista as medidas de enfrentamento à pandemia, dentre as quais a restrição às aglomerações, os eventos artísticos foram interditos e os profissionais impossibilitados de atuar de maneira convencional, gerando problemas de ordem econômica e sofrimento psíquico. O artigo explora o relato dramático de alguns desses profissionais, destacando as estratégias adotadas para fazer frente à crise decorrente da impossibilidade de atuação, da escassez de políticas públicas para o setor e o desdém às artes e à cultura por parte da elite política e econômica nacional. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com artistas cênicos, músicos e DJs entre os meses de agosto e dezembro de 2020.
The purpose of this article is to present the dramas experienced by Brazilian artists during the period of the COVID 19 pandemic. The investigation is part of one of the axes of a broader research on the social impacts of the pandemic in Brazil. Initially, it is argued that the pandemic is a critical event with multiple scales, which impacts populations in unequal ways, as is the case of professionals in the artistic world, in itself an unorthodox field in terms of specialties, remuneration, which was already emerging. sufferingthe impacts of the reduction of investments in public policies in the cultural area since the mid-2010s. In view of the measures to face the pandemic, among which the restriction on agglomerations, artistic events were prohibited and professionals were unable to act conventionally, generating economic problems and psychological distress. The article explores the dramatic report of some of these professionals, highlighting the strategies adopted to face the crisis resultingthe impossibility of acting, the scarcity of public policies for the sector and the disdain for the arts and culture on the part of the national political and economic elite. In-depth interviews were conducted with scenic artists, musicians and DJs between August and December 2020.
The purpose of this article is to present the dramas experienced by Brazilian artists during the period of the COVID 19 pandemic. The investigation is part of one of the axes of a broader research on the social impacts of the pandemic in Brazil. Initially, it is argued that the pandemic is a critical event with multiple scales, which impacts populations in unequal ways, as is the case of professionals in the artistic world, in itself an unorthodox field in terms of specialties, remuneration, which was already emerging. sufferingthe impacts of the reduction of investments in public policies in the cultural area since the mid-2010s. In view of the measures to face the pandemic, among which the restriction on agglomerations, artistic events were prohibited and professionals were unable to act conventionally, generating economic problems and psychological distress. The article explores the dramatic report of some of these professionals, highlighting the strategies adopted to face the crisis resultingthe impossibility of acting, the scarcity of public policies for the sector and the disdain for the arts and culture on the part of the national political and economic elite. In-depth interviews were conducted with scenic artists, musicians and DJs between August and December 2020.
Malhão, R.S., Damo, A.S.. O drama dos artistas na pandemia brasileira. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/ago). [Citado em 23/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-drama-dos-artistas-na-pandemia-brasileira/18465?id=18465