0217/2022 - Óbitos de Médicos e da equipe de Enfermagem por COVID-19 no Brasil: uma abordagem sociológica Deaths of Doctors and Nursing Staff by COVID-19 in Brazil: a sociological approach
O artigo aborda as nuances mais básicas e as questões capitais envolvidas na alta mortalidade de médicos, enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, em decorrência da COVID-19 no Brasil. Trata-se de estudo realizado com base em dados dos Conselhos Federais de Medicina e Enfermagem (CFM e Cofen, respectivamente) e do estudo sobre o inventário de óbitos da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), e visa conhecer e analisar essa realidade à luz da sociologia das profissões. O trabalho presta contribuição relevante e inédita para a compreensão do passado, do presente e do futuro de seguimentos classe trabalhadora que atuam na beira do leito, na linha de frente, prestando assistência direta a pacientes.
Óbito, Medicina, Enfermagem, COVID-19, Saúde.
The article addresses the most basic nuances and key issues involved in the high mortality of doctors, nurses, technicians and nursing assistants, as a result of COVID-19 in Brazil. This is a study based on datathe Federal Councils of Medicine and Nursing (CFM and Cofen, respectively) and the study on the death inventory of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), and aims to understand and analyze this reality in the light of the sociology of professions. The work makes a relevant and unprecedented contribution to the understanding of the past, present and future of working class segments that work at the bedside, on the front line, providing direct care to patients.
Deaths of Doctors and Nursing Staff by COVID-19 in Brazil: a sociological approach
Resumo (abstract):
The article addresses the most basic nuances and key issues involved in the high mortality of doctors, nurses, technicians and nursing assistants, as a result of COVID-19 in Brazil. This is a study based on datathe Federal Councils of Medicine and Nursing (CFM and Cofen, respectively) and the study on the death inventory of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), and aims to understand and analyze this reality in the light of the sociology of professions. The work makes a relevant and unprecedented contribution to the understanding of the past, present and future of working class segments that work at the bedside, on the front line, providing direct care to patients.
Machado, M.H, Guimarães-Teixeira, E., Freire, N., Pereira, E.J, Minayo,M.C.S.. Óbitos de Médicos e da equipe de Enfermagem por COVID-19 no Brasil: uma abordagem sociológica. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/ago). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/obitos-de-medicos-e-da-equipe-de-enfermagem-por-covid19-no-brasil-uma-abordagem-sociologica/18473?id=18473