0029/2022 - Organização e oferta da assistência fisioterapêutica em resposta à pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil Organization and offer of physiotherapeutic assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
A recuperação das pessoas acometidas pela COVID-19 é um processo que continua para além do quadro agudo da infecção pelo Sars-CoV-2. O comprometimento de diversos sistemas corporais pode acarretar impactos funcionais e demandar assistência fisioterapêutica contínua tanto na atenção ambulatorial quanto na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Neste ensaio, busca-se discutir os desafios da organização e da oferta de assistência fisioterapêutica em resposta à pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil. A análise foi sumarizada em três dimensões: oferta da assistência fisioterapêutica na APS e na atenção ambulatorial; e oferta de atenção fisioterapêutica por Telessaúde. Conclui-se que a reabilitação funcional depende da capacidade de resposta da APS; existe um déficit de serviços de reabilitação que antecede a pandemia, e pode não responder satisfatoriamente às demandas do atual contexto epidemiológico; faz-se necessária a articulação entre as equipes de fisioterapia ambulatorial e da APS; embora a telessaúde seja um recurso e uma oportunidade para ampliar o acesso da população à reabilitação funcional, sua utilização exige cautela; o fisioterapeuta possui papel crucial em todo o continuum de cuidados da COVID-19.
Fisioterapia. COVID-19. Atenção Primária à Saúde. Reabilitação. Telessaúde.
The recovery of people affected by COVID-19 is a process that continues beyond the acute condition of infection by Sars-CoV-2. The impairment of several body systems can cause functional impacts and demand continuous Physical Therapy assistance both in outpatient care and in Primary Health Care (PHC). In this essay, we seek to discuss the challenges of organizing and offering Physical Therapy assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The analysis was summarized in three dimensions: offering physical therapy assistance in PHC and outpatient care; and provision of physical therapy care via telehealth. It is concluded that functional rehabilitation depends on the PHC\'s response capacity; there is a shortage of rehabilitation services that precedes the pandemic, and may not respond satisfactorily to the demands of the current epidemiological context; it is necessary to articulate the outpatient physiotherapy and PHC teams; although telehealth is a resource and an opportunity to increase the population\'s access to functional rehabilitation, its use requires caution; the physiotherapist plays a crucial role in the entire COVID-19 care continuum.
Physiotherapy. COVID-19. Primary Health Care. Rehabilitation. Telehealth.
Organization and offer of physiotherapeutic assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The recovery of people affected by COVID-19 is a process that continues beyond the acute condition of infection by Sars-CoV-2. The impairment of several body systems can cause functional impacts and demand continuous Physical Therapy assistance both in outpatient care and in Primary Health Care (PHC). In this essay, we seek to discuss the challenges of organizing and offering Physical Therapy assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The analysis was summarized in three dimensions: offering physical therapy assistance in PHC and outpatient care; and provision of physical therapy care via telehealth. It is concluded that functional rehabilitation depends on the PHC\'s response capacity; there is a shortage of rehabilitation services that precedes the pandemic, and may not respond satisfactorily to the demands of the current epidemiological context; it is necessary to articulate the outpatient physiotherapy and PHC teams; although telehealth is a resource and an opportunity to increase the population\'s access to functional rehabilitation, its use requires caution; the physiotherapist plays a crucial role in the entire COVID-19 care continuum.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Physiotherapy. COVID-19. Primary Health Care. Rehabilitation. Telehealth.
Souza, T. S., Aleluia, I.R.S, Pinto, E. B., Pinto Junior, E.P, Pedreira, R. B. S., Fraga-Maia, H, Pinto, J. M.. Organização e oferta da assistência fisioterapêutica em resposta à pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/mar). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/organizacao-e-oferta-da-assistencia-fisioterapeutica-em-resposta-a-pandemia-da-covid19-no-brasil/18285?id=18285