0484/2018 - Os sentidos da atenção domiciliar no cuidado ao idoso na finitude: A perspectiva humana do profissional do SUS. Os sentidos da atenção domiciliar no cuidado ao idoso na finitude: A perspectiva humana do profissional do SUS.
O acesso aos cuidados em saúde de usuários idosos que se encontram em processo de finitude e em necessidades paliativas no domicílio servem de alerta para programas e estratégias de cuidado em saúde. Objetiva-se com este estudo compreender os sentidos da atenção domiciliar no escopo das ações da atenção primária no cuidado a estes idosos pela perspectiva do profissional da saúde do SUS. Estudo de aproximação teórico-metodológica qualitativa, com desenho de pesquisa compreensivista partindo-se dos pensamentos do filósofo alemão Hans-Georg Gadamer, com doze profissionais. Os dados foram sistematizados e analisados segundo a Análise de Conteúdo e interpretados por meio da Hermenêutica filosófica. Compreende-se que a atenção domiciliar ao idoso como algo angustiante, porém efetivo e gerador de processos humanos de confiança e articulações coletivas para o cuidado em respeito a condição outro. O sentido da atenção domiciliar abarca na reflexão dialógica da representação do humano e da solidariedade no exercício do trabalho no SUS. Acredita-se que este estudo possibilitará um norte para que os gestores da atenção primária reflitam sobre o quão importante, necessário e angustiante é a realização de atenção domiciliar nas realidades brasileiras.
Saúde do Idoso, Assistência Domiciliar, Cuidados paliativos, Sistema Único de Saúde
The access to healthcare of bedridden older users of SUS, in the process of finitude and in palliative needs in their home, serve as a warning for currently healthcare programs and strategies. This study aims to comprehend meanings regarding domiciliary visits in the scope of actions of primary health care in the care of the elderly in the end-of-life moment. This is a qualitative study designed with theoretical and methodological approach,the main thoughts of the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. The data were collected by means of 12 interviews with health professionals. Data were systematized and analysed according to the Content Analysis. The interpretation happened through the Hermeneutics Philosophy theoretical support. It is understood that domiciliary visits for the elderly is something distressing, but effective and generating human processes of trust and collective articulations for care in respect to the condition of the other. The consensus of domiciliary visits encompasses the dialogic reflection of the representation of the human and solidarity in working at SUS. It is believed that this study will possibly guide the primary care managers to reflect on how important, necessary and harrowing is the development of in-home care within Brazilian realities.
Health of the Elderly, Domiciliary Visits, Palliative Care, Single Health System
Os sentidos da atenção domiciliar no cuidado ao idoso na finitude: A perspectiva humana do profissional do SUS.
Resumo (abstract):
The access to healthcare of bedridden older users of SUS, in the process of finitude and in palliative needs in their home, serve as a warning for currently healthcare programs and strategies. This study aims to comprehend meanings regarding domiciliary visits in the scope of actions of primary health care in the care of the elderly in the end-of-life moment. This is a qualitative study designed with theoretical and methodological approach,the main thoughts of the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. The data were collected by means of 12 interviews with health professionals. Data were systematized and analysed according to the Content Analysis. The interpretation happened through the Hermeneutics Philosophy theoretical support. It is understood that domiciliary visits for the elderly is something distressing, but effective and generating human processes of trust and collective articulations for care in respect to the condition of the other. The consensus of domiciliary visits encompasses the dialogic reflection of the representation of the human and solidarity in working at SUS. It is believed that this study will possibly guide the primary care managers to reflect on how important, necessary and harrowing is the development of in-home care within Brazilian realities.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health of the Elderly, Domiciliary Visits, Palliative Care, Single Health System
Marques, F.P, Bulgarelli, A.F.. Os sentidos da atenção domiciliar no cuidado ao idoso na finitude: A perspectiva humana do profissional do SUS.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/nov). [Citado em 10/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/os-sentidos-da-atencao-domiciliar-no-cuidado-ao-idoso-na-finitude-a-perspectiva-humana-do-profissional-do-sus/17017?id=17017