0488/2016 - Pais e seus filhos em sofrimento mental, enfrentamento, compreensão e medo do futuro. Parents and children sufferingmental distress: copiing mechanisms, understanding and fear of the future
O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer experiências de enfrentamento de pais em relação ao sofrimento mental dos filhos. Trata-se de um estudo etnográfico. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Foram identificadas três categorias: 1. Enfrentamento das situações do cotidiano 2. Compreensão do sofrimento mental como uma situação de vida; 3. Medo do futuro, sentimento de desamparo social e governamental. O sofrimento mental impõe às famílias situações que necessitam ser rapidamente resolvidas e arranjos na tentativa de equilibrar o sistema familiar; os familiares convivem com o sofrimento mental na perspectiva de uma doença crônica, e buscam mecanismos de enfrentamento para as situações do dia a dia; por fim temem o futuro de seus parentes adoecidos e sentem-se desamparados pelas políticas públicas. São necessárias pesquisas na área para avaliar o impacto dessa questão na vida das famílias, instituições e políticas públicas.
doença mentalfamíliaenfrentamento
The aim of the study was to discover parents‘ experiences in coping with their children‘s mental suffering. This is an ethnographic study. The data was analysed by the use of content analysis. Three categories were identified: 1. Coping with everyday situations 2. Understanding of mental suffering as a living situation; 3. Fear of the future. Mental suffering imposes situations on families that need to be quickly resolved and arrangements in an attempt to balance the family system. Family members live with mental suffering as if it were a chronic disease, and seek coping mechanisms for everyday situations. Finally, they fear the future of their ill relatives and feel abandoned by public policies. Research in this field is required in order to assess the impact of this issue on the people, institutions and public policies involved.
Parents and children sufferingmental distress: copiing mechanisms, understanding and fear of the future
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the study was to discover parents‘ experiences in coping with their children‘s mental suffering. This is an ethnographic study. The data was analysed by the use of content analysis. Three categories were identified: 1. Coping with everyday situations 2. Understanding of mental suffering as a living situation; 3. Fear of the future. Mental suffering imposes situations on families that need to be quickly resolved and arrangements in an attempt to balance the family system. Family members live with mental suffering as if it were a chronic disease, and seek coping mechanisms for everyday situations. Finally, they fear the future of their ill relatives and feel abandoned by public policies. Research in this field is required in order to assess the impact of this issue on the people, institutions and public policies involved.
Reinaldo, A.M.S, Pereira, Maria Odete, Tavares, Marcus Luciano, Henriques, B.D. Pais e seus filhos em sofrimento mental, enfrentamento, compreensão e medo do futuro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 24/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/pais-e-seus-filhos-em-sofrimento-mental-enfrentamento-compreensao-e-medo-do-futuro/15914?id=15914&id=15914