0064/2020 - Percepção do peso corporal acima do ideal, perfil antropométrico e estilo de vida em adolescentes de Recife – PE Perception of body weight above the ideal, anthropometric profile and lifestyle among adolescents in the city of Recife, Brazil
O objetivo do estudo foianalisar a percepção do peso corporal acima do ideal em adolescentes de Recife/PE e sua associação com o perfil antropométrico eestilo de vida. Estudo transversal com 2.480 escolares do “Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes” (Erica). O modelo conceitual também considerou variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas. A percepção do peso foi analisada através da pergunta: “na sua opinião o seu peso atual é?” sendo as respostas: abaixo do ideal, ideal e acima do ideal. As associações foram identificadas por meio da Regressão de Poisson. A média da idade foi de 14,7 anos (DP=1,6), 53,7% eram do sexo feminino e 70,7% eram eutróficos de acordo com o índice de massa corporal/idade (IMC/I). A percepção do peso foi respondida por 48,8% dos adolescentes. Destes, 36,8% e 63,2% se percebiam com baixo peso e peso acima do ideal, respectivamente. Após os ajustes as variáveis associadas a percepção do peso acima do ideal(desfecho)foram: sexo feminino, idade entre 12 e 14 anos, escolaridade materna > 8 anos, IMC/I de eutrofia e de excesso de peso, estágio pós-púbere e realização de café da manhã e refeição com os pais ocasionalmente.Portanto, variáveis demográficas, antropométricas e do estilo de vida se associaram a maior chance de percepção do peso corporal acima do ideal.
Adolescente, percepção de peso, índice de massa corporal
This study investigated the perception of body weight above the ideal among adolescents in the city of Recife, Brazil and associations with anthropometric profile and lifestyle. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 2480 adolescentsthe “Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents”. The conceptual model also considered demographic and socioeconomic variables. The body weight perception was analyzed questioning: “In your opinion, what is your current body weight?”. Answers could be: below the ideal, ideal and above the ideal body weight. Statistics were identified using Poisson Regression analysis. The mean age was 14.7 years (SD = 1.6), 53.7% were female and 70.7% were eutrophic according to the body mass index/age (BMI/A). Perception of body weight was answered by 48.8% of the adolescents. 36.8% and 63.2% saw themselves as below and above the ideal weight, respectively. After adjustments, the variables associated with the perception of body weight above the ideal (outcome variable) were the female sex, age 12 to 14 years, mother’s schooling > eight years, BMI/A in the ideal range, being postpubescent, having breakfast and meals with parents occasionally. Demographic, anthropometric and lifestyle variables were more likely to be associated with a body weight perception above the ideal.
Perception of body weight above the ideal, anthropometric profile and lifestyle among adolescents in the city of Recife, Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
This study investigated the perception of body weight above the ideal among adolescents in the city of Recife, Brazil and associations with anthropometric profile and lifestyle. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 2480 adolescentsthe “Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents”. The conceptual model also considered demographic and socioeconomic variables. The body weight perception was analyzed questioning: “In your opinion, what is your current body weight?”. Answers could be: below the ideal, ideal and above the ideal body weight. Statistics were identified using Poisson Regression analysis. The mean age was 14.7 years (SD = 1.6), 53.7% were female and 70.7% were eutrophic according to the body mass index/age (BMI/A). Perception of body weight was answered by 48.8% of the adolescents. 36.8% and 63.2% saw themselves as below and above the ideal weight, respectively. After adjustments, the variables associated with the perception of body weight above the ideal (outcome variable) were the female sex, age 12 to 14 years, mother’s schooling > eight years, BMI/A in the ideal range, being postpubescent, having breakfast and meals with parents occasionally. Demographic, anthropometric and lifestyle variables were more likely to be associated with a body weight perception above the ideal.
Carvalho, M. J. L. N, Cabral, P. C., Oliveira, J. S., Lira, P. I. C., Andrade, M.I.S, Leal, V.S., Sequeira-de-Andrade, L.A.S, Tavares, F.C.L.P.. Percepção do peso corporal acima do ideal, perfil antropométrico e estilo de vida em adolescentes de Recife – PE. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/percepcao-do-peso-corporal-acima-do-ideal-perfil-antropometrico-e-estilo-de-vida-em-adolescentes-de-recife-pe/17546?id=17546