0285/2015 - Percepções sobre a saúde dos homens numa perspectiva relacional de gênero, Brasil, 2014 Perceptions about men‘s health in a relational perspective of gender, Brazil, 2014
Objetivo. Avaliar percepções sobre a saúde dos homens nas óticas masculina e feminina. Métodos. Amostra aleatória de 1.894 homens e 1.991 mulheres entre 20 e 59 anos de idade, usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, residentes nas capitais de estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal, foi submetida a entrevista por telefonia móvel. Variáveis sociodemográficas e variáveis relacionadas à percepção do serviço de saúde, situação e cuidado de saúde foram registradas. Regressão logística foi executada para avaliar a não busca de atendimento e o autocuidado bom e muito bom. Resultados. A maioria da população avaliada se considera sem problema de saúde, principalmente os homens. A principal causa do não tratamento é a falta de acesso ao atendimento, embora homens e mulheres avaliem que os serviços os recebam adequadamente. A automedicação atinge mais de 40% dos homens e quase 30% das mulheres. Conclusões. Os homens se percebem cuidando bem da sua saúde, ao contrário de como as mulheres os veem, sendo que as percepções se diferenciam ao se levar em conta idade, escolaridade, etnia e situação ocupacional.
saúde do homem
Objective. To evaluate men´s health perceptions under male and female perspectives. Methods. A random sample of 1,894 men and 20 women 1,991 aged from 20 to 59 years old, users of the unified health system, residents in the capitals of Brazilian States and in the Federal District, was subjected to an interview by mobile telephone. Socio-demographic variables and variables related to the perception of the health service, health situation and health care were recorded. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate the reason for not search of care and the good and very good self-care. Results. The majority of the population evaluated considers themselves without health problems, especially men. The main cause of the no treatment is the lack of access to care, although men and women assess the services receiving them properly. Self-medication reaches more than 40% of men and nearly 30% of women. Conclusions. Men realize taking good care of your health, controversially to the women vision, being that perceptions differ when you take into account age, education, ethnicity and occupational situation.
Perceptions about men‘s health in a relational perspective of gender, Brazil, 2014
Resumo (abstract):
Objective. To evaluate men´s health perceptions under male and female perspectives. Methods. A random sample of 1,894 men and 20 women 1,991 aged from 20 to 59 years old, users of the unified health system, residents in the capitals of Brazilian States and in the Federal District, was subjected to an interview by mobile telephone. Socio-demographic variables and variables related to the perception of the health service, health situation and health care were recorded. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate the reason for not search of care and the good and very good self-care. Results. The majority of the population evaluated considers themselves without health problems, especially men. The main cause of the no treatment is the lack of access to care, although men and women assess the services receiving them properly. Self-medication reaches more than 40% of men and nearly 30% of women. Conclusions. Men realize taking good care of your health, controversially to the women vision, being that perceptions differ when you take into account age, education, ethnicity and occupational situation.
MOURA, EC, Gomes, Romeu, Pereira, Georgia Martins Carvalho. Percepções sobre a saúde dos homens numa perspectiva relacional de gênero, Brasil, 2014. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/percepcoes-sobre-a-saude-dos-homens-numa-perspectiva-relacional-de-genero-brasil-2014/15358?id=15358