Este artigo objetiva discutir o caráter e a utilização dos métodos de pesquisa qualitativa no campo da bioética. Realizou-se revisão sistemática de artigos publicados em países da América Latina, selecionados a partir da base Scielo (n=462), com especial ênfase para aqueles que empregaram metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa (n= 33). O conjunto dos artigos revela um campo da bioética conformado a partir de três vetores de distinção. O primeiro refere-se à dupla caracterização da bioética que pode ser definida como um movimento social ou como uma disciplina; o segundo opera diferenciando a bioética de outros campos da ética, em particular com a ética profissional de base predominantemente deontológica; o terceiro está relacionado às abordagens éticas adotadas nas análises empreendidas nas pesquisas. Parte pouco expressiva desses textos resulta de pesquisas qualitativas e podem ser divididos em quatro eixos de acordo com seus temas e orientações: bioética como campo e/ou discurso; formação em saúde; ética, assistência e prática clínica; formulação de política de saúde. Esta produção revela, por um lado, uma tímida aproximação de pesquisadores das Ciências Sociais ao campo da bioética e, por outro lado, pouca utilização/apropriação de metodologias qualitativas, e, ainda, em alguns casos, certa imprecisão quanto ao uso de métodos.
pesquisa qualitativa
This article discusses the character and use of qualitative research methods in the field of bioethics. We conducted a systematic review of articles published in Latin American countries, selected from the base SciELO (n = 462), with special emphasis on those who employed qualitative research methodology (n = 33). The set of articles reveals a field of bioethics formed from three vectors of distinction. The first refers to the dual characterization of bioethics that can be defined as a social movement or as a discipline, the second operates differentiating bioethics other fields of ethics, particularly with professional ethics based predominantly deontological and the third is related ethical approaches adopted in the analyzes undertaken in the polls. Part inexpressive these texts and results from qualitative research can be divided into four areas according to their themes and guidelines: bioethics as a field and / or speech; health training, ethics, service, and clinical practice; formulation of health policy. The data show, on the one hand, little use of qualitative methodologies in research in the field, and even a relatively timid approach to social science researchers to the field of bioethics and, on the other hand, some imprecision in the use of methods by all research.
Qualitative research in the scientific production on bioethics
Resumo (abstract):
This article discusses the character and use of qualitative research methods in the field of bioethics. We conducted a systematic review of articles published in Latin American countries, selected from the base SciELO (n = 462), with special emphasis on those who employed qualitative research methodology (n = 33). The set of articles reveals a field of bioethics formed from three vectors of distinction. The first refers to the dual characterization of bioethics that can be defined as a social movement or as a discipline, the second operates differentiating bioethics other fields of ethics, particularly with professional ethics based predominantly deontological and the third is related ethical approaches adopted in the analyzes undertaken in the polls. Part inexpressive these texts and results from qualitative research can be divided into four areas according to their themes and guidelines: bioethics as a field and / or speech; health training, ethics, service, and clinical practice; formulation of health policy. The data show, on the one hand, little use of qualitative methodologies in research in the field, and even a relatively timid approach to social science researchers to the field of bioethics and, on the other hand, some imprecision in the use of methods by all research.
Ribeiro, CDM, MAKSUD, I., Claro, LBL, Wong Un, J.. Pesquisa qualitativa na produção científica do campo da bioética. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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