0273/2015 - Prática de atividade física entre jovens em município do semiárido no Brasil. Practice of physical activity among youththe semiarid region of Brazil.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de atividade física em jovens e analisar sua associação com características demográficas, socioeconômicas e comportamentais. Foram estudados todos os jovens com idade entre 13 e 19 anos residentes no município de Caracol, Piauí, em 2011, totalizando 1.112 indivíduos. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, utilizando questionário padronizado. A variável dependente foi a prática de atividade física em uma semana habitual. Foram considerados fisicamente ativos os jovens que realizaram atividade física moderada a vigorosa com pelo menos uma hora de duração em todos os dias da semana. A prevalência de jovens fisicamente ativos foi de 12,6% (IC95% 10,6 a 14,5), sendo maior no sexo masculino (20,3%; IC95% 16,8 a 23,7) e para aqueles no tercil superior da variável índice de bens (16,5; IC95% 12,7 a 20,3), e inversamente proporcional à faixa etária. Entre os rapazes, os de cor preta foram mais ativos (32,3%; IC95% 14,9 a 49,7); entre as moças, foram as de cor de pele branca (12,7%; IC95% 5,2 a 20,2). A prevalência de atividade física foi baixa nesta população, sobretudo no sexo feminino, em jovens de faixas etárias mais avançadas e naqueles de menor nível socioeconômico.
Atividade motoraAdolescentePrevalênciaFatores de riscoEpidemiologia
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of physical activity among young people and to analyze its association with demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral characteristics. All subjects aged 13 to19 years old living in the city of Caracol, Piauí, Brazil, were studied, adding up 1,112 individuals. Data collection was done through household interviews using a standardized questionnaire. The dependent variable was the practice of physical activity in a typical week. It was considered physically active youth who performed moderate-to-vigorous-physical activity with at least one hour every day of the week. The prevalence of youth physically active was 12.6% (95% CI 10.6 to 14.5), being higher in males (20.3%; 95%CI 16.8 to 23.7) and those in the upper tertile of variable rate assets (16.5; 95%CI 12.7 to 20.3), and inversely related to age. Among males, the black were more active (32.3%; 95%CI 14.9 to 49.7); among girls, those of white skin color (12.7%; 95%CI 5.2 to 20.2). The prevalence of physical activity was low in this population, particularly in females (5.9%; 95%CI 4.0 to 7.8), older young and in those poorer teenagers
Motor activityAdolescentPrevalenceRisk factorsEpidemiology
Practice of physical activity among youththe semiarid region of Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of physical activity among young people and to analyze its association with demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral characteristics. All subjects aged 13 to19 years old living in the city of Caracol, Piauí, Brazil, were studied, adding up 1,112 individuals. Data collection was done through household interviews using a standardized questionnaire. The dependent variable was the practice of physical activity in a typical week. It was considered physically active youth who performed moderate-to-vigorous-physical activity with at least one hour every day of the week. The prevalence of youth physically active was 12.6% (95% CI 10.6 to 14.5), being higher in males (20.3%; 95%CI 16.8 to 23.7) and those in the upper tertile of variable rate assets (16.5; 95%CI 12.7 to 20.3), and inversely related to age. Among males, the black were more active (32.3%; 95%CI 14.9 to 49.7); among girls, those of white skin color (12.7%; 95%CI 5.2 to 20.2). The prevalence of physical activity was low in this population, particularly in females (5.9%; 95%CI 4.0 to 7.8), older young and in those poorer teenagers
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Motor activityAdolescentPrevalenceRisk factorsEpidemiology
Dumith, S.C., dos Santos, Marcio, Teixeira, Lisiane Ortiz, Cazeiro, Cristine, Mazza, Sheynara, Cesar, J. Prática de atividade física entre jovens em município do semiárido no Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/pratica-de-atividade-fisica-entre-jovens-em-municipio-do-semiarido-no-brasil/15346?id=15346