A relação entre ciência, tecnologia e capital, intrínseca às Tecnologias Reprodutivas (TR), torna estas uma possibilidade de escolha reprodutiva e uma alternativa para lésbicas que querem ter filhos. O artigo se propõe a refletir sobre os projetos formulados a partir dos depoimentos de casais de lésbicas que utilizaram ou que tinham planos de utilizar as TR. Foram entrevistados oito casais de mulheres com idade entre 26 e 45 anos, todas autodeclaradas brancas e com nível superior completo, residentes na Grande São Paulo/SP, entre 2010-2011. Os resultados revelam a preferência das entrevistadas pelo doador proveniente de banco de esperma e também a valorização da informação sobre o histórico familiar de saúde do doador. Destaca-se o interesse pela importação de sêmen de banco americano, em razão de uma alegada pouca disponibilidade de amostras no Brasil e por ele conter mais informações sobre os doadores. Assim, ao mesmo tempo que as TR possibilitam uma parentalidade não biológica, a genética é valorizada concorrendo para uma medicalização do parentesco.
Técnicas reprodutivasmedicalizaçãogenética
The relationship between science, technology and capital, intrinsic to Reproductive Technologies (TR), makes this a possibility of reproductive choice and an alternative to lesbians who want children. The article aims to reflect on the projects formulated from lesbian couples who used or had plans to use the TR. Interviews were conducted with eight couples of women aged 26 and 45, all self-declared white and completed higher education, living in the Greater São Paulo / SP, between 2010-2011. The results reveal the preference of respondents from the donor sperm bank and also the valuation of information on the health of family history of the donor. Noteworthy is the interest in import American bank of semen, because of an alleged limited availability of samples in Brazil and it contains more information about the donors. Thus, the same time as the TR allow a non-biological parenting, genetics is valued contributing to the medicalization of kinship.
Lesbian reproductive practices: reflections on genetics and health
Resumo (abstract):
The relationship between science, technology and capital, intrinsic to Reproductive Technologies (TR), makes this a possibility of reproductive choice and an alternative to lesbians who want children. The article aims to reflect on the projects formulated from lesbian couples who used or had plans to use the TR. Interviews were conducted with eight couples of women aged 26 and 45, all self-declared white and completed higher education, living in the Greater São Paulo / SP, between 2010-2011. The results reveal the preference of respondents from the donor sperm bank and also the valuation of information on the health of family history of the donor. Noteworthy is the interest in import American bank of semen, because of an alleged limited availability of samples in Brazil and it contains more information about the donors. Thus, the same time as the TR allow a non-biological parenting, genetics is valued contributing to the medicalization of kinship.