• Émilli Natália dos Santos Nunes - Nunes, E.N.S. - Universidade de Pernambuco - <milinunes@hotmail.com>
• Maria Carolina de Andrade Morais - Morais, M.C.A. - Universidade de Pernambuco - <carollegalm@hotmail.com>
Área Temática:
O objetivo desta investigação foi determinar a prevalência de amputações por pé diabético e analisar associações com fatores relacionados à pessoa e a atenção básica. Estudo epidemiológico de corte transversal. A amostra compreendeu 214 portadores de pé diabéticos internados em um dos quatro hospitais com especialidade cirurgia vascular de Pernambuco. Os dados foram coletados mediante questionário semi-estruturado. Na análise dos dados foram aplicados os procedimentos da estatística descritiva, análise de associações de qui-quadrado e de regressão de poisson (p<0,05). A prevalência de amputações encontrada foi de 50%. Estiveram associados à sua ocorrência fatores relacionados à pessoa: baixa escolaridade (p=0,027), duas ou mais pessoas residentes no domicílio (p=0,046) e renda do paciente inferior a um salário mínimo (p=0,004). Dos fatores relacionados à atenção básica: não ter os pés examinados (RP=1,17) e não ter recebido orientações sobre os cuidados com os pés (RP=2,24) nas consultas realizadas no último ano, além de não usar o medicamento para controle do DM conforme prescrição (RP=1,60) e controle inadequado da glicemia (RP=1,83) foram associados à ocorrência de amputações. A compreensão desses fatores ajuda a identificar aspectos da assistência preventiva que precisam ser melhorados.
pé diabético
atenção básica
The objective of this investigation was to determine the prevalence of diabetic foot amputations and analyze associations with factors related to the person and primary care. Cross-sectional epidemiological study. The sample included 214 hospitalized patients with diabetic foot in one of four specialty hospitals with vascular surgery of Pernambuco. Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaire. In the data analysis procedures were applied descriptive statistics, analysis of associations of chi-square andPoisson regression (p <0.05). The prevalence of amputation was 50%. Were associated with its occurrence people-related factors: low education (p=0,027), two or more people living in the household (p=0,046) and income of the patient less than minimum wage (p=0,004). Factors related to primary care: do not have their feet examined (PR = 1.17) and had not received guidance on foot care (PR = 2.24) in the consultations carried out last year, and not using the drug for DM control as prescribed (PR = 1.60) andinadequate glycemic control (PR= 1.83) were associated with amputation. Understanding these factorshelps to identify aspects of preventive care that need improvement.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this investigation was to determine the prevalence of diabetic foot amputations and analyze associations with factors related to the person and primary care. Cross-sectional epidemiological study. The sample included 214 hospitalized patients with diabetic foot in one of four specialty hospitals with vascular surgery of Pernambuco. Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaire. In the data analysis procedures were applied descriptive statistics, analysis of associations of chi-square andPoisson regression (p <0.05). The prevalence of amputation was 50%. Were associated with its occurrence people-related factors: low education (p=0,027), two or more people living in the household (p=0,046) and income of the patient less than minimum wage (p=0,004). Factors related to primary care: do not have their feet examined (PR = 1.17) and had not received guidance on foot care (PR = 2.24) in the consultations carried out last year, and not using the drug for DM control as prescribed (PR = 1.60) andinadequate glycemic control (PR= 1.83) were associated with amputation. Understanding these factorshelps to identify aspects of preventive care that need improvement.
Vieira Santos, I.C.R., Sobreira, C.M.M., Nunes, E.N.S., Morais, M.C.A.. PREVALÊNCIA E FATORES ASSOCIADOS A AMPUTAÇÕES POR PÉ DIABÉTICO.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/jun). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/prevalencia-e-fatores-associados-a-amputacoes-por-pe-diabetico/10401?id=10401