0003/2019 - Prevenção de incapacidade física por hanseníase no Brasil: Análise histórica. Prevention of physical disability by leprosy in Brazil: Historic analysis.
As orientações para prevenção de incapacidades físicas por hanseníase vêm ganhando destaque no controle da doença para além da poliquimioterapia. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever as mudanças, de forma cronológica, nas orientações técnicas para prevenção das incapacidades físicas por hanseníase no Brasil. Trata-se de relato histórico baseado em documentos oficiais dos órgãos de saúde brasileiros. Foram incluídos todos os decretos, portarias e manuais que fizeram menção à prevenção de incapacidades, publicados entre 1962 a 2016. Os documentos estabeleceram os critérios clínicos, técnicos, assistenciais, emocionais e sociais, de direcionamento das ações de prevenção nas instituições de saúde. As publicações foram coordenadas pelo Ministério da Saúde e adequadas ao longo dos anos sob o ponto de vista conceitual, político, estratégico e assistencial. As orientações abrangeram, principalmente, as atividades de avaliação neurológica e do grau de incapacidade física, técnicas de prevenção de incapacidades e autocuidado. As incapacidades físicas refletem a qualidade do acesso ao diagnóstico, do acompanhamento dos casos durante o tratamento e pós-alta por cura. Os serviços de saúde deverão ser organizados não apenas para o diagnóstico e oferta da poliquimioterapia, mas para todos os aspectos que envolvem a doença.
hanseníase; prevenção; incapacidade; documentos
Guidelines for the prevention of physical disabilities due to leprosy have been gaining prominence in the control of the disease in addition to the multidrug therapy. The objective of this study is to describe the chronological changes in the technical guidelines for the prevention of physical disabilities due to leprosy in Brazil. It is a historical account based on official documents of the Brazilian health agencies. All the decrees, ordinances and manuals that mentioned assessment and prevention of disabilities, published between 1962 and 2016 were included. The documents established the clinical, technical, social, emotional and social criteria that directed preventive actions in health institutions. The publications were coordinated by the Ministry of Health and adapted over the yearsa conceptual, political, strategic and assistance point of view. The guidelines covered, mainly, the activities of neurological assessment and the degree of physical incapacity, techniques of prevention of incapacities and self-care. Physical disabilities reflect the quality of access to diagnosis, follow-up of cases during treatment and post-discharge through cure. The health services has to be organized for all aspects involving disease, and not only for the diagnosis and multidrug therapy supply.
Prevention of physical disability by leprosy in Brazil: Historic analysis.
Resumo (abstract):
Guidelines for the prevention of physical disabilities due to leprosy have been gaining prominence in the control of the disease in addition to the multidrug therapy. The objective of this study is to describe the chronological changes in the technical guidelines for the prevention of physical disabilities due to leprosy in Brazil. It is a historical account based on official documents of the Brazilian health agencies. All the decrees, ordinances and manuals that mentioned assessment and prevention of disabilities, published between 1962 and 2016 were included. The documents established the clinical, technical, social, emotional and social criteria that directed preventive actions in health institutions. The publications were coordinated by the Ministry of Health and adapted over the yearsa conceptual, political, strategic and assistance point of view. The guidelines covered, mainly, the activities of neurological assessment and the degree of physical incapacity, techniques of prevention of incapacities and self-care. Physical disabilities reflect the quality of access to diagnosis, follow-up of cases during treatment and post-discharge through cure. The health services has to be organized for all aspects involving disease, and not only for the diagnosis and multidrug therapy supply.
Santos, AR, Ignotti, E.. Prevenção de incapacidade física por hanseníase no Brasil: Análise histórica.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jan). [Citado em 14/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/prevencao-de-incapacidade-fisica-por-hanseniase-no-brasil-analise-historica/17077?id=17077