• Susana Ramírez Hita - Ramírez Hita, S. - Arica 6-D, AC - Universidad de tarapacá - <susanahita@yahoo.es>
Área Temática:
Ciências Sociais
Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre las dificultades metodológicas que arrastra la producción científica, tanto epidemiológica como de ciencias sociales, relativa a la problemática del VIH/SIDA en Bolivia. Los estudios asociados a esta producción sirvieron de base para la implementación de programas del Fondo Mundial, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, cooperaciones internacionales, Organizaciones No Gubernamentales y el Ministerio de Salud y Deportes boliviano. El análisis de las contradicciones y falencias metodológicas se realizó a través de una revisión bibliográfica y una investigación de metodología cualitativa, que se centró en la calidad de atención a las personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA en servicios públicos de salud y en cómo son realizados y diseñados los programas destinados a esta población. De esta manera se pudo observar las deficiencias en los diseños metodológicos que presentan los estudios epidemiológicos y de ciencias sociales que sirven de base para la implementación de programas sanitarios.
métodos, epidemiología, VIH/SIDA, Bolivia
This paper discusses the methodological problems in the scientific research on HIV/AIDS in Bolivia, both in the areas of epidemiology and social sciences. Studies associated with this research served as the basis for the implementation of health programs run by The Global Fund, The Pan-American Health Organization, International Cooperation, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Bolivian Ministry of Health and Sports. An analysis of the methodological contradictions and weaknesses was made by reviewing the bibliography of the studies and by conducting qualitative methodological research, that was focused on the quality of health care available to people living with HIV/AIDS in public hospitals and health centers, and looked at how programs targeted at this sector of the population are designed and delivered. Herewith, we were able to observe the shortcomings of the methodological design in the epidemiological and social science studies which serve as the basis for the implementation of these health programs.
This paper discusses the methodological problems in the scientific research on HIV/AIDS in Bolivia, both in the areas of epidemiology and social sciences. Studies associated with this research served as the basis for the implementation of health programs run by The Global Fund, The Pan-American Health Organization, International Cooperation, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Bolivian Ministry of Health and Sports. An analysis of the methodological contradictions and weaknesses was made by reviewing the bibliography of the studies and by conducting qualitative methodological research, that was focused on the quality of health care available to people living with HIV/AIDS in public hospitals and health centers, and looked at how programs targeted at this sector of the population are designed and delivered. Herewith, we were able to observe the shortcomings of the methodological design in the epidemiological and social science studies which serve as the basis for the implementation of these health programs.
Ramírez Hita, S.. problemas metodologicos en las investigaciones sobre VIH/SIDA en Bolivia. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/jun). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/problemas-metodologicos-en-las-investigaciones-sobre-vihsida-en-bolivia/10459?id=10459