0080/2023 - Produção de procedimentos pelo SAMU 192 no Brasil: Performance, benchmarking e desafios Procedures production by SAMU 192 in Brazil: Performance, benchmarking and challenges
Objetivo: Descrever e analisar a produção de procedimentos realizados pelas centrais de regulação e recursos móveis do SAMU 192 entre 2015 e 2019, segundo frequência, indicadores de base populacional e produtividade diária, estabelecendo um indicador de performance. Método: Estudo censitário, observacional e descritivo, realizado com dados de produção, extraídos do Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais, complementados com dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e do Ministério da Saúde. Resultados: Os 116,8 milhões de procedimentos analisados decorrem de 28,5% de aumento no período enquanto a população coberta e os recursos móveis cresceram 9,7% e 14,4% respectivamente. Cada mil habitantes cobertos geraram 109,8 chamadas, resultando em 24,0 envios de recursos móveis anuais. Diariamente, unidades de suporte básico realizaram 3,3 atendimentos e 0,5 transportes, enquanto o suporte avançado realizou 2,7 atendimentos e 0,9 transporte. Conclusão: A produção de procedimentos excedeu o crescimento de população coberta, com variações entre estados, alta produção em áreas populosas, forte presença do suporte básico e elevação dos transportes, todavia a produtividade nacional mostrou-se inferior a internacional.
Serviços Médicos de Emergência, Sistemas de Informação em Saúde, Benchmarking, Política de Saúde, Ambulâncias.
Objective: To describe and analyze the production of approved procedures carried out by the SAMU 192 regulation centers and mobile resources between 2015 and 2019, according to frequency, population-based indicators, and daily productivity, establishing a performance indicator. Method: Census, observational, descriptive study, carried out with production data, extractedthe Outpatient Information System, complemented with population datathe Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and informationthe Ministry of Health. Results: The 116.8 million procedures analyzed stema 28.5% increase in the period, while the covered population and mobile resources grew by 9.7% and 14.4%. Every 1,000 inhabitants covered generated 109.8 calls per year, resulting in 24.0 shipments of mobile resources. Daily, basic support units performed 3.3 visits and 0.5 transports, while advanced support performed 2.7 visits and 0.9 transports. Conclusion: The production of procedures exceeded the growth of covered population, with variations between states, high production in populated areas, strong presence of basic support and elevation of transports, however, national productivity was lower than the international one.
Emergency Medical Services, Health Information System, Benchmarking, Health Policy, Ambulances.
Procedures production by SAMU 192 in Brazil: Performance, benchmarking and challenges
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To describe and analyze the production of approved procedures carried out by the SAMU 192 regulation centers and mobile resources between 2015 and 2019, according to frequency, population-based indicators, and daily productivity, establishing a performance indicator. Method: Census, observational, descriptive study, carried out with production data, extractedthe Outpatient Information System, complemented with population datathe Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and informationthe Ministry of Health. Results: The 116.8 million procedures analyzed stema 28.5% increase in the period, while the covered population and mobile resources grew by 9.7% and 14.4%. Every 1,000 inhabitants covered generated 109.8 calls per year, resulting in 24.0 shipments of mobile resources. Daily, basic support units performed 3.3 visits and 0.5 transports, while advanced support performed 2.7 visits and 0.9 transports. Conclusion: The production of procedures exceeded the growth of covered population, with variations between states, high production in populated areas, strong presence of basic support and elevation of transports, however, national productivity was lower than the international one.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Emergency Medical Services, Health Information System, Benchmarking, Health Policy, Ambulances.
Malvestio, M.A.A, de Sousa, R.M.C. Produção de procedimentos pelo SAMU 192 no Brasil: Performance, benchmarking e desafios. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/abr). [Citado em 07/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/producao-de-procedimentos-pelo-samu-192-no-brasil-performance-benchmarking-e-desafios/18706?id=18706