
0028/2018 - Programa Mais Medicos – A viewEngland.
Programa Mais Medicos – A viewEngland.


• Matthew Harris - Harris, M - <m.harris@imperial.ac.uk>


The Programa Mais Medicos (PMM) is a national strategy to increase the numbers of Brazilian trained doctors entering primary care and is possibly the most significant human resource intervention in Latin America in recent years. From an English perspective, there are clearly opportunities to learn the PMM. First, PAHO’s role in the PMM provides an exemplar for an overarching human resource migration and recruitment role throughout the EU. The role of the WHO in influencing and overseeing the recruitment of doctors throughout the EU could be an opportunity for improved distribution, avoiding a reliance on market forces. Secondly, a centrally-coordinated and governed process following well-established criteria and guidance laid out in law has helped to ensure that doctors are allocated to regions of the greatest need. Finally, the deployment of primary care doctors to ensure that the needs of the whole population are met, including in hard-to-reach areas. However, Brazil should not fall into the trap of doing much, and evaluating little. Brazil is in an exciting position to conduct robust before-after studies regarding the improvement in access, outcomes and equity that the ESF has already been credited with. Evaluation must include the impact of the PMM on Cuba.


Human Resources for Health, Brazil, England, Programa Mais Me


The Programa Mais Medicos (PMM) is a national strategy to increase the numbers of Brazilian trained doctors entering primary care and is possibly the most significant human resource intervention in Latin America in recent years. From an English perspective, there are clearly opportunities to learn the PMM. First, PAHO’s role in the PMM provides an exemplar for an overarching human resource migration and recruitment role throughout the EU. The role of the WHO in influencing and overseeing the recruitment of doctors throughout the EU could be an opportunity for improved distribution, avoiding a reliance on market forces. Secondly, a centrally-coordinated and governed process following well-established criteria and guidance laid out in law has helped to ensure that doctors are allocated to regions of the greatest need. Finally, the deployment of primary care doctors to ensure that the needs of the whole population are met, including in hard-to-reach areas. However, Brazil should not fall into the trap of doing much, and evaluating little. Brazil is in an exciting position to conduct robust before-after studies regarding the improvement in access, outcomes and equity that the ESF has already been credited with. Evaluation must include the impact of the PMM on Cuba.


Human Resources for Health, Brazil, England, Programa Mais Me


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