Este artigo analisa o Programa Nacional da Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) como uma Política Pública Saudável (PPS). A Lei n. 11.947/2009 estabeleceu que os Entes Federados adquiram no mínimo 30% dos recursos advindos do FNDE em alimentos da agricultura familiar. Por sua vez, uma PPS consiste em uma política pública que leva em consideração na sua formulação, diferentes áreas que determinam a saúde da população. A exigência da compra de alimentos de agricultores familiares contempla para além da valorização da produção agrícola local, orgânica e advinda de agricultores familiares, a priorização de uma alimentação saudável para os estudantes, contribuindo para a formação de hábitos saudáveis de alimentação. Portanto, observa-se que o PNAE contribui para a promoção de saúde e pode ser compreendido como uma PPS. O PNAE ao articular ações de diferentes setores, torna a política pública mais efetiva e mais eficiente, pois gera-se resultados positivos para além da saúde, maximizando os retornos para a sociedade. Desta maneira, propõe-se mecanismos para o aprimoramento e fortalecimento do PNAE, visando complementar e reforçar ações realizadas no SUS, tais como a ampliação do valor mínimo exigido para aquisição de alimentos da agricultura familiar e a criação de comitê gestor intersetorial.
Políticas Públicas de Saúde; Promoção da saúde; Alimentação escolar.
This paper analyzes the National School Feeding Program (NSFP) as a Healthy Public Policy (HPP). Law no. 11,947 / 2009 established that federated entities acquire at least 30% of the resources comingational education fund in foodfamily agriculture. In turn, a PPS consists of a public policy that takes into account in its formulation, different areas that determine the health of the population. The demand for the purchase of foodfamily farmers includes not only the valorization of local agricultural production, organic and derivedfamily farmers, the prioritization of a healthy diet for students, contributing to the formation of healthy eating habits. In these terms, it is observed that the NSFP contributes to health promotion, and therefore can be understood as a HPP. Therefore, it is observed that the NSFP contributes to health promotion and can be understood as a HPP. The NSFP, in articulating actionsdifferent sectors, makes public policy more effective and more efficient, as it generates positive results beyond health, maximizing returns to society. In this way, it is proposed mechanisms for the improvement and strengthening of the NSFP, aiming to complement and reinforce actions carried out in the SUS, such as the expansion of the minimum value required for food purchasesfamily agriculture and the creation of an intersectoral management co
Public Health Policy; Health promotion; School Feeding.
National School Feeding Program: A healthy public policy.
Resumo (abstract):
This paper analyzes the National School Feeding Program (NSFP) as a Healthy Public Policy (HPP). Law no. 11,947 / 2009 established that federated entities acquire at least 30% of the resources comingational education fund in foodfamily agriculture. In turn, a PPS consists of a public policy that takes into account in its formulation, different areas that determine the health of the population. The demand for the purchase of foodfamily farmers includes not only the valorization of local agricultural production, organic and derivedfamily farmers, the prioritization of a healthy diet for students, contributing to the formation of healthy eating habits. In these terms, it is observed that the NSFP contributes to health promotion, and therefore can be understood as a HPP. Therefore, it is observed that the NSFP contributes to health promotion and can be understood as a HPP. The NSFP, in articulating actionsdifferent sectors, makes public policy more effective and more efficient, as it generates positive results beyond health, maximizing returns to society. In this way, it is proposed mechanisms for the improvement and strengthening of the NSFP, aiming to complement and reinforce actions carried out in the SUS, such as the expansion of the minimum value required for food purchasesfamily agriculture and the creation of an intersectoral management co
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Public Health Policy; Health promotion; School Feeding.
Kroth, DC, Savi Geremia, Daniela, Mussio, BR. Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar: Uma política pública saudável.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mar). [Citado em 14/03/2025].
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