0383/2023 - Quem são as minorias sexuais e de gênero que convivem frequentemente com filhos(as) e sua associação a cuidados em saúde Who are the sexual and gender minorities who frequently meet with children and their association with health care
Objetivou-se analisar as características sociodemográficas das minorias sexuais e de gênero que convivem frequentemente com filhos(as) e verificar se existe associação entre convívio frequente com filhos(as) e os cuidados em saúde. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com dados do inquérito de saúde LGBT+, realizado no Brasil em 2020 (agosto-novembro) de forma online e anônima, totalizado 958 participantes. O convívio frequente com filhos(as) foi avaliado pela moradia com filhos(as) ou encontros presenciais quinzenais com filhos(as) que moram em outro domicílio. Os cuidados em saúde incluíram ter um profissional ou serviço de referência, sentir-se à vontade para contar seus problemas e receber tratamento médico ou hospitalar de pior qualidade. A regressão de Poisson com variância robusta foi usada na análise estatística. A prevalência de convívio com filhos(as) foi de 5,3%. Após o ajuste por idade, verificou-se uma prevalência estatisticamente maior em mulheres cisgênero (13,4%) e entre pretos/pardos e outras raças/cores não brancas (7,9%). Observou-se que o convívio frequente com filhos(as) foi positivamente associado apenas a receber tratamento médico ou hospitalar de pior qualidade (RP = 6,00; IC95% 1,22-29,67). Esses achados destacam que ainda há estigma/preconceito nos serviços de saúde.
Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero; Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde
The aim was to examine the sociodemographic profile of sexual and gender minorities who engage in regular interaction with children, and to investigate whether such interactions are associated with healthcare factors. This cross-sectional study utilized data sourcethe 2020 LGBT+ Health Survey in Brazil, conducted online and anonymously in August-November, with a total of 958 participants. Regular interaction with children was defined as either cohabiting with children or engaging in bi-weekly face-to-face meetings with children residing in different households. Healthcare factors encompassed having a professional or reference service, the comfort in discussing personal issues, and the quality of medical or hospital care received. The statistical analysis used the Poisson regression with robust variance. The prevalence of regular interaction with children was 5.3%. After controlling for age, there was a statistically higher prevalence among cisgender women (13.4%) and among black/brown and other non-white races/colors (7.9%). The results showed a positive association between regular interaction with children and poorer quality of medical or hospital care received (PR = 6.00; 95%CI 1.22-29.67). These findings highlight the persistent presence of stigma and prejudice within healthcare services.
Sexual and Gender minorities; Quality of Health Care
Who are the sexual and gender minorities who frequently meet with children and their association with health care
Resumo (abstract):
The aim was to examine the sociodemographic profile of sexual and gender minorities who engage in regular interaction with children, and to investigate whether such interactions are associated with healthcare factors. This cross-sectional study utilized data sourcethe 2020 LGBT+ Health Survey in Brazil, conducted online and anonymously in August-November, with a total of 958 participants. Regular interaction with children was defined as either cohabiting with children or engaging in bi-weekly face-to-face meetings with children residing in different households. Healthcare factors encompassed having a professional or reference service, the comfort in discussing personal issues, and the quality of medical or hospital care received. The statistical analysis used the Poisson regression with robust variance. The prevalence of regular interaction with children was 5.3%. After controlling for age, there was a statistically higher prevalence among cisgender women (13.4%) and among black/brown and other non-white races/colors (7.9%). The results showed a positive association between regular interaction with children and poorer quality of medical or hospital care received (PR = 6.00; 95%CI 1.22-29.67). These findings highlight the persistent presence of stigma and prejudice within healthcare services.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Sexual and Gender minorities; Quality of Health Care
Oliveira, C. R. S., Sousa, C. C. V., Torres, J. L.. Quem são as minorias sexuais e de gênero que convivem frequentemente com filhos(as) e sua associação a cuidados em saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/quem-sao-as-minorias-sexuais-e-de-genero-que-convivem-frequentemente-com-filhosas-e-sua-associacao-a-cuidados-em-saude/19009?id=19009