• Maria do Carmo Gullaci Guimarães - Guimarães, MCG - <mcbava@fmrp.usp.br>
O direito a uma vida digna para todos requer a superação de desafios impostos aos grupos mais vulneráveis, sendo a pobreza um dos fenômenos mais antigos e devastadores. Ouvi-los é essencial para criar possibilidades de superação. O estudo objetiva identificar características dessa escuta, no contexto da promoção da saúde e dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável-ODS, esforço internacional de apoio à superação da pobreza, dentre outros. Por meio de revisão integrativa de literatura, realizada com os termos de busca: Pobreza, Direito à Cidade, Política de Equidade e Identificação da Pobreza, foram analisados 86 estudos que escutavam os grupos vulneráveis: mulheres, crianças, adolescentes, jovens, adultos, idosos, famílias e usuários de drogas, todos pobres e trabalhadores de baixa qualificação. Cada estratégia apresentada foi relacionada a um ou mais ODS. A ampliação da proteção social e dos espaços de escuta aos grupos vulneráveis, e políticas públicas que viabilizem o combate à pobreza foram as estratégias mais recorrentes nos estudos analisados. A equidade deve ser pensada no bojo de políticas abrangentes e universalizadoras de direitos, superando as políticas fragmentadas e focais que deixam de atacar as causas estruturais da pobreza e da exploração humana.
Pobreza; Vulnerabilidade Social; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Equidade; Promoção da Saúde.
The right to a dignified life for all requires overcoming the challenges imposed on the most vulnerable groups, and poverty is one of the oldest and most devastating phenomena. Listening to them is essential to create remediating opportunities. This study aims to identify characteristics of this listening in the context of health promotion and the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, an international effort to support the fight against poverty, among others. In an integrative review of literature, conducted through the search terms of Poverty, Right to the City, Equity Policy and Identification of Poverty, 86 studies that listened to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, families and drug users, all poor and low-skilled workers were analyzed. Each strategy shown was related to one or more SDGs. The recurrent strategies in the studies analyzed were increased social protection and spaces to listen to vulnerable groups, as well as public policies that enabled the fight against poverty. Equity must be thought of in the context of comprehensive and universalizing rights policies, overcoming fragmented and focal policies that fail to address the structural causes of poverty and human exploitation.
Poverty; Social vulnerability; Sustainable development; Equity; Health promotion.
Who are they, what do they talk about and who listens to the poor?
Resumo (abstract):
The right to a dignified life for all requires overcoming the challenges imposed on the most vulnerable groups, and poverty is one of the oldest and most devastating phenomena. Listening to them is essential to create remediating opportunities. This study aims to identify characteristics of this listening in the context of health promotion and the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, an international effort to support the fight against poverty, among others. In an integrative review of literature, conducted through the search terms of Poverty, Right to the City, Equity Policy and Identification of Poverty, 86 studies that listened to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, families and drug users, all poor and low-skilled workers were analyzed. Each strategy shown was related to one or more SDGs. The recurrent strategies in the studies analyzed were increased social protection and spaces to listen to vulnerable groups, as well as public policies that enabled the fight against poverty. Equity must be thought of in the context of comprehensive and universalizing rights policies, overcoming fragmented and focal policies that fail to address the structural causes of poverty and human exploitation.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Poverty; Social vulnerability; Sustainable development; Equity; Health promotion.
Freitas, MA, Mattos, ATR, Gomes, WZ, Guimarães, MCG. Quem são, o que falam e quem escuta os pobres?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/quem-sao-o-que-falam-e-quem-escuta-os-pobres/16435?id=16435