0024/2024 - RACISMO E INSEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR: MAZELAS DE UMA COMUNIDADE QUILOMBOLA DA AMAZÔNIA LEGAL BRASILEIRA Racism and food insecurity: misfortunes of a quilombola community in the brazilian legal amazon.
Este estudo analisou a insegurança alimentar na comunidade quilombola Imbiral Cabeça- Branca, no Maranhão, durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Estudo transversal realizado no último trimestre de 2021, com 25 chefes de família da comunidade. A maioria dos participantes eram mulheres (52,0%), com baixa escolaridade, desempregados (68,0%), e 76,0% recebiam o Auxílio Emergencial federal. A densidade domiciliar média era de quatro pessoas, e as casas eram predominantemente de taipa, sem saneamento básico. A água consumida provinha de poços artesanais, e a maioria das casas tinha acesso à eletricidade. A insegurança alimentar foi identificada em todas as famílias, sendo 12,0% classificadas como Leve, 24,0% Moderada e 64,0% Grave. A forma Grave foi mais comum em lares chefiados por homens solteiros (75%), idosos, pessoas com baixa escolaridade (78,7%) e desempregados (64,7%). A insegurança alimentar na comunidade quilombola, assim como em outras comunidades similares no país, é resultado das condições precárias de vida, desemprego, privação de alimentos e falta de titulação de terras. Esses fatores também contribuem para a perpetuação do racismo institucional e ambiental enfrentado por essas comunidades.
Saúde da População Negra, Quilombolas, Insegurança Alimentar, COVID-19.
This study examined food insecurity in the quilombola community of Imbiral Cabeça-Branca, in Maranhão, Brazil, during the Covid-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the last quarter of 2021, involving 25 household headsthe community. The majority of participants were women (52.0%) with low educational attainment. They experienced a high unemployment rate (68.0%), and 76.0% received federal Auxílio Emergencial (emergency aid program). The average household density was four people, and houses were predominantly made of taipa, lacking basic sanitation. The consumed water cameartisanal wells, and the majority of houses had access to electricity. Food insecurity was identified in all families, with 12.0% classified as Mild, 24.0% as Moderate, and 64.0% as Severe. The severe form was more common in households headed by single men (75%), the elderly, individuals with low educational attainment (78.7%), and the unemployed (64.7%). This food insecurity in the quilombola community, as well as in other similar communities in the country, is a result of precarious living conditions, unemployment, food deprivation, and lack of land titling. These factors also contribute to the perpetuation of institutional and environmental racism faced by these communities.
Health of Ethnic Minorities, Quilombola Communities, Food Insecurity, COVID-19
Racism and food insecurity: misfortunes of a quilombola community in the brazilian legal amazon.
Resumo (abstract):
This study examined food insecurity in the quilombola community of Imbiral Cabeça-Branca, in Maranhão, Brazil, during the Covid-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the last quarter of 2021, involving 25 household headsthe community. The majority of participants were women (52.0%) with low educational attainment. They experienced a high unemployment rate (68.0%), and 76.0% received federal Auxílio Emergencial (emergency aid program). The average household density was four people, and houses were predominantly made of taipa, lacking basic sanitation. The consumed water cameartisanal wells, and the majority of houses had access to electricity. Food insecurity was identified in all families, with 12.0% classified as Mild, 24.0% as Moderate, and 64.0% as Severe. The severe form was more common in households headed by single men (75%), the elderly, individuals with low educational attainment (78.7%), and the unemployed (64.7%). This food insecurity in the quilombola community, as well as in other similar communities in the country, is a result of precarious living conditions, unemployment, food deprivation, and lack of land titling. These factors also contribute to the perpetuation of institutional and environmental racism faced by these communities.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health of Ethnic Minorities, Quilombola Communities, Food Insecurity, COVID-19
Câmara, J. H. R., Varga, I. V. D., Frota, M. T. B. A, Silva, H. P.. RACISMO E INSEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR: MAZELAS DE UMA COMUNIDADE QUILOMBOLA DA AMAZÔNIA LEGAL BRASILEIRA. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/fev). [Citado em 12/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/racismo-e-inseguranca-alimentar-mazelas-de-uma-comunidade-quilombola-da-amazonia-legal-brasileira/19072?id=19072&id=19072