0099/2019 - Reflexões sobre a judicialização do direito à saúde e suas implicações no SUS. Reflections on the judicialization of the right to health and its implications in the SUS.
Apresenta-se a questão da judicialização do direito à saúde no Brasil, por meio da análise de estatísticas governamentais e revisão bibliográfica. Demonstra-se, a partir de dados do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, a existência de um incremento substancial no número de ações judiciais tratando do direito à saúde. Ressalta-se que a doutrina nacional discute efusivamente meios de tornar a prestação jurisdicional mais efetiva, mas não se discute, via de regra, o aspecto econômico judicialização na saúde. Utilizando-se o conceito de custo de oportunidade, extraído da ciência da Economia, passa-se a demonstrar que o magistrado, ao deferir o pleito formulado pelo autor da ação judicial, automaticamente força o Poder Executivo a reduzir o escopo de outras políticas para gerar recursos visando custear o cumprimento da decisão judicial. Tal cenário, em determinados contextos, acaba por privilegiar o direito individual à custa dos direitos da coletividade usuária do SUS, em ofensa ao princípio da isonomia e da eficiência. Por fim, apresenta-se o caso da judicialização promovida pelos pacientes hemofílicos no Distrito Federal como uma forma de demonstrar, no plano fático, as consequências da judicialização nas políticas do SUS.
Judicialização; Direito à Saúde; Sistema Único de Saúde; Políticas de saúde; Custo de Oportunidade.
The paper presents the question of the judicialization of the right to health in Brazil. Based on datathe National Council of Justice, the existence of a substantial increase in the number of lawsuits dealing with the right to health is demonstrated. The paper emphasized that the national doctrine exhaustively discusses ways to make the judicial performance more effective, but the economic aspect of this judicialization is often forgotten. Using the concept of opportunity cost extractedeconomics science, it is demonstrated that the magistrate, by deferring the lawsuit formulated by the plaintiff, automatically forces the Executive Branch to reduce the scope of other policies to generate resources to meet the judicial decision. This scenario, in certain contexts, ends up favoring individual rights at the expense of the collective rights of SUS users, in violation of the principle of isonomy and efficiency. Finally, the case of the judicialization promoted by the hemophiliac patients in the Federal District is presented as a way of demonstrating, at the factual level, the consequences of the judicialization in the SUS policies.
Judicialization; Right to health; Health Unic System; Health policies; Opportunity cost.e.
Reflections on the judicialization of the right to health and its implications in the SUS.
Resumo (abstract):
The paper presents the question of the judicialization of the right to health in Brazil. Based on datathe National Council of Justice, the existence of a substantial increase in the number of lawsuits dealing with the right to health is demonstrated. The paper emphasized that the national doctrine exhaustively discusses ways to make the judicial performance more effective, but the economic aspect of this judicialization is often forgotten. Using the concept of opportunity cost extractedeconomics science, it is demonstrated that the magistrate, by deferring the lawsuit formulated by the plaintiff, automatically forces the Executive Branch to reduce the scope of other policies to generate resources to meet the judicial decision. This scenario, in certain contexts, ends up favoring individual rights at the expense of the collective rights of SUS users, in violation of the principle of isonomy and efficiency. Finally, the case of the judicialization promoted by the hemophiliac patients in the Federal District is presented as a way of demonstrating, at the factual level, the consequences of the judicialization in the SUS policies.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Judicialization; Right to health; Health Unic System; Health policies; Opportunity cost.e.
Paixão, ALS. Reflexões sobre a judicialização do direito à saúde e suas implicações no SUS.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/reflexoes-sobre-a-judicializacao-do-direito-a-saude-e-suas-implicacoes-no-sus/17173?id=17173