0443/2018 - Reprodutibilidade do protocolo para usuários com hipertensão arterial assistidos na Atenção Básica à Saúde. Protocol reproducibility for hypertensive users assisted in Basic Health Care.
Os protocolos têm sido adotados como estratégia para melhorar os índices de acompanhamento e controle da Hipertensão Arterial (HA). Objetivou-se verificar a reprodutibilidade de um protocolo para consulta e acompanhamento do usuário com HA atendido na Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS). Tratou-se de estudo metodológico, realizado de janeiro a agosto de 2016, com 160 usuários com HA. A reprodutibilidade se deu nas dimensões indicadoras de saúde, psicossociais, sinais de alterações das cifras pressóricas, ocorrência de complicações e realizações de exames. O protocolo foi aplicado por enfermeiros em dois momentos distintos, com intervalo de acordo com o retorno do participante. A concordância foi avaliada pelos coeficientes Kappa (?) e Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) conforme o tipo de variável. O ? intraexaminadores variou de 0,673 a 0,984 e interexaminadores de 0,515 a 0,985. O CCI intraexaminadores pontuou de 0,785 a 0,998 e interexaminadores de 0,845 a 0,999. A média das medidas antropométricas e das pressões apresentou diferença < 1 entre os examinadores nos tempos 1 e 2. O protocolo apresentou boa reprodutibilidade e alta confiabilidade, podendo ser replicado e utilizado na consulta de acompanhamento do usuário com HA assistido na ABS.
Atenção Básica à Saúde, Hipertensão Arterial, Protocolos, Reprodutibilidade dos resultados.
The protocols have been adopted as a strategy to improve the rates of follow-up and control of arterial hypertension (HA). The objective of this study was to verify the reproducibility of a protocol for consultation and follow-up of the user with HA in Basic Health Care (ABS). It was an methodological study, carried outJanuary to August of 2016, with 160 users with HA. The reproducibility occurred in the dimensions of health indicators, psychosocial, signs of changes in blood pressure values, occurrence of complications and test achievement. The protocol was applied by nurses at two different times, with interval according to the participant\'s return. The agrément was evaluated by the coefficients Kappa (Ϗ) and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) according to the type of variable. The Ϗ intra-examiner ranged0.673 to 0.984 and inter-examiners0.515 to 0.985. The intra-examiner ICC scored0.785 to 0.998 and inter-examiner0.845 to 0.999. The mean of the anthropometric measures and the pressures presented a difference
Basic Health Care, Hypertension, Protocols, Reproducibility of results.
Protocol reproducibility for hypertensive users assisted in Basic Health Care.
Resumo (abstract):
The protocols have been adopted as a strategy to improve the rates of follow-up and control of arterial hypertension (HA). The objective of this study was to verify the reproducibility of a protocol for consultation and follow-up of the user with HA in Basic Health Care (ABS). It was an methodological study, carried outJanuary to August of 2016, with 160 users with HA. The reproducibility occurred in the dimensions of health indicators, psychosocial, signs of changes in blood pressure values, occurrence of complications and test achievement. The protocol was applied by nurses at two different times, with interval according to the participant\'s return. The agrément was evaluated by the coefficients Kappa (Ϗ) and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) according to the type of variable. The Ϗ intra-examiner ranged0.673 to 0.984 and inter-examiners0.515 to 0.985. The intra-examiner ICC scored0.785 to 0.998 and inter-examiner0.845 to 0.999. The mean of the anthropometric measures and the pressures presented a difference
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Basic Health Care, Hypertension, Protocols, Reproducibility of results.
Dantas, R.C.O, Roncalli, A.G.. Reprodutibilidade do protocolo para usuários com hipertensão arterial assistidos na Atenção Básica à Saúde.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/reprodutibilidade-do-protocolo-para-usuarios-com-hipertensao-arterial-assistidos-na-atencao-basica-a-saude/16976?id=16976