0061/2016 - Revisão dos métodos de correção de óbitos e dimensões de qualidade da causa básica por acidentes e violências no Brasil Review of deaths correction methods and quality dimensions of the underlying cause for accidents and violence in Brazil
Este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo realizar análise e discussão crítica da literatura sobre métodos de correção da mortalidade por acidentes e violências notificados ao Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade-SIM. Foram consultadas as bases Medline e Scielo, e o site do Global Burden of Disease, com uso de filtro temporal para 1996 a 2015. De 77 estudos identificados, 29 foram inicialmente selecionados, e 14 atendiam ao critério de produção de correções para um dos casos de subinformação: sub-registro de óbitos ao SIM, declaração do óbito no SIM devido a causas mal definidas, ou devido a causas externas não definidas (declaradas com códigos inespecíficos). Verificou-se que o sub-registro das causas externas não se mostrou muito diferente do relativo aos óbitos totais, e em alguns casos foi maior, em municípios de porte pequeno e médio. A reclassificação das causas mal definidas corrigiu as causas externas a valores não desprezíveis. Os estudos divergem nas propostas de correção das causas externas não definidas. Há evidências que sustentam intervenções para aprimoramento da qualidade dos dados, e ainda a disponibilidade de modelos de correção das causas externas que reúnem condições de aplicação.
Sistemas de Informação
Registros de Mortalidade
Causas Externas
This review article aims to perform analysis and critical discussion about the literature on mortality correction methods by accidents and violence reported to the Brazilian Mortality Information System . The Medline and Scielo databases were consulted, as well as the Global Burden of Disease site, using time filter for 1996-2015 interval. From 29 out of the 77 studies identified, 29 were selected, and 14 met the corrections production criteria for cases of underregistration: underreporting of deaths in the Mortality Information System, deaths declared as ill-defined causes or deaths due to external causes declared with nonspecific codes. It was found that the undercount of external causes was not significantly different from what occurs in the total deaths, and in some cases was higher in small and medium-sized municipalities. The reclassification of ill-defined causes of death corrected external causes to non negligible values. The selected studies differ on proposals for correction of unspecified external causes. There is evidence supporting interventions to improve the quality of data, and also the availability of correction procedure of external causes that bring together application conditions.
Information Systems
Mortality records
External causes
Review of deaths correction methods and quality dimensions of the underlying cause for accidents and violence in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
This review article aims to perform analysis and critical discussion about the literature on mortality correction methods by accidents and violence reported to the Brazilian Mortality Information System . The Medline and Scielo databases were consulted, as well as the Global Burden of Disease site, using time filter for 1996-2015 interval. From 29 out of the 77 studies identified, 29 were selected, and 14 met the corrections production criteria for cases of underregistration: underreporting of deaths in the Mortality Information System, deaths declared as ill-defined causes or deaths due to external causes declared with nonspecific codes. It was found that the undercount of external causes was not significantly different from what occurs in the total deaths, and in some cases was higher in small and medium-sized municipalities. The reclassification of ill-defined causes of death corrected external causes to non negligible values. The selected studies differ on proposals for correction of unspecified external causes. There is evidence supporting interventions to improve the quality of data, and also the availability of correction procedure of external causes that bring together application conditions.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Information Systems
Mortality records
External causes
Soares Filho, A.M, Cortez-Escalante, Juan José, França, E.. Revisão dos métodos de correção de óbitos e dimensões de qualidade da causa básica por acidentes e violências no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/fev). [Citado em 11/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/revisao-dos-metodos-de-correcao-de-obitos-e-dimensoes-de-qualidade-da-causa-basica-por-acidentes-e-violencias-no-brasil/15483?id=15483&id=15483