2261/2012 - SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA, CRECIMIENTO Y NIVELES DE VITAMINA A, HEMOGLOBINA Y ZINC EN NIÑOS PREESCOLARES DEL NORDESTE DE BRASIL Food security, growth and vitamin A, hemoglobin and zinc of preschool children in the Northeast of Brazil
El presente estudio buscó analizar la asociación entre la (in)seguridad alimentaria y el estado nutricional de niños preescolares asistidos en jardines infantiles. La seguridad alimentaria fue evaluada a través de la Escala Brasileña de Inseguridad Alimentaria (EBIA). El estado nutricional se evaluó a través del peso/edad, talla/edad, hemoglobina, retinol sérico y zinc sérico. Fueron encontradas prevalencias de déficit de estatura (6,2%), déficit de peso/edad (2,1%), deficiencia de vitamina A (24,4%), anemia (15,5%) y deficiencia de zinc (15,0%). La inseguridad alimentaria familiar fue caracterizada en 64,2% de las familias predominando la forma leve (32,6%). El estudio concluye que la inseguridad alimentaria estimada por la EBIA no se asoció a los Escore-z de crecimiento ni a las concentraciones de retinol sérico, hemoglobina y zinc sérico.
This study investigates the association between the food (in)security and nutritional status of preschool children attending daycare centers. Food security was assessed by Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. Nutritional status was evaluated using the weight/height, weight/age, height/age, hemoglobin, serum retinol and serum zinc. There were found prevalence of stunting (6.2%), overweight (3.1%), underweight (2.1%), vitamin A deficiency (24.4%), anemia (15.5%), and zinc deficiency (15.0%). Food insecurity was found in 64.4% of the families, predominantly its mild form (32.6%). This study concludes that food insecurity as measured by the EBIA was not associated with growth neither with vitamin A, hemoglobin and zinc biochemical concentrations.
Food security, growth and vitamin A, hemoglobin and zinc of preschool children in the Northeast of Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
This study investigates the association between the food (in)security and nutritional status of preschool children attending daycare centers. Food security was assessed by Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. Nutritional status was evaluated using the weight/height, weight/age, height/age, hemoglobin, serum retinol and serum zinc. There were found prevalence of stunting (6.2%), overweight (3.1%), underweight (2.1%), vitamin A deficiency (24.4%), anemia (15.5%), and zinc deficiency (15.0%). Food insecurity was found in 64.4% of the families, predominantly its mild form (32.6%). This study concludes that food insecurity as measured by the EBIA was not associated with growth neither with vitamin A, hemoglobin and zinc biochemical concentrations.
Pedraza, D.F, Queiroz, D, Paiva, AA, Cunha, MAL, Lima, ZN. SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA, CRECIMIENTO Y NIVELES DE VITAMINA A, HEMOGLOBINA Y ZINC EN NIÑOS PREESCOLARES DEL NORDESTE DE BRASIL. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/dez). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/seguridad-alimentaria-crecimiento-y-niveles-de-vitamina-a-hemoglobina-y-zinc-en-ninos-preescolares-del-nordeste-de-brasil/12051?id=12051