0349/2018 - Síndrome lipodistrófica do HIV e seus fatores associados: Um estudo Em um hospital universitário. Lipodistrophic syndrome of HIV and its associated factors: A study in a university hospital.
Introdução: O uso de antirretroviral aumentou a sobrevida dos portadores do HIV, porém pode acarretar efeitos colaterais, como a síndrome lipodistrófica. Objetivo: Identificar a frequência da síndrome lipodistrófica e seus fatores associados em pacientes portadores do HIV em uso de terapia antiretroviral. Metodologia: Estudo transversal com pacientes acompanhados ambulatorialmente. A síndrome foi avaliada pela associação de dois parâmetros: emagrecimento periférico através da escala de gravidade de lipodistrofia e acúmulo de gordura central, mensurado pela relação cintura quadril. Para identificar as variáveis associadas foi realizada a análise de Regressão de Poisson. Resultados: Dos 104 pacientes avaliados, 27,9% apresentaram a síndrome. Após ajuste, o sexo feminino (RPajustada=2,16 IC95%1,43-3,39), ter excesso de peso (RPajustada=2,23 IC95%1,35-2,65) e o maior tempo de uso dos antirretrovirais (RPajustada=1,64 IC95%1,16-2,78), permaneceram positivamente associados a síndrome. Por outro lado, foi observada uma associação negativa com a contagem de CD4? 350 (RPajustada=0,39 IC95%0,10-0,97). Conclusão: A alta prevalência da síndrome e sua associação com grupos específicos reforçam a necessidade do adequado acompanhamento e identificação precoce como forma de intervir nos fatores modificáveis.
Introduction: The use of antiretroviral drugs has increased the survival of HIV patients, but it can lead to side effects, such as lipodystrophic syndrome. Objective: To identify the frequency of lipodystrophic syndrome and its associated factors in patients with HIV using antiretroviral therapy. Methodology: A cross-sectional study with HIV patients, accompanied by outpatients. The syndrome was evaluated by the association of two parameters: peripheral weight loss through the lipodystrophy severity scale and central fat accumulation, measured by the hip waist ratio. To identify the variables associated was performed Poisson regression analysis. . Results: Of the 104 patients evaluated, 27.9% presented the syndrome. After adjustment, the female sex (PRadjusted = 2,16 CI95% 1,43-3,39), being overweight (PRadjusted = 2,23 CI95% 1,35-2,65) and a longer time of use of the antiretrovirals (PRadjusted = 1,64 CI95% 1,16-2,78), remained positively associated with the syndrome. On the other hand, it was observed negative association with CD4 count 350 (PRadjusted=0,39 CI95%0,10-0,97). Conclusion: The high prevalence of the syndrome and its association with specific groups reinforce the need for adequate follow-up and early identification to intervene in modifiable factors.
Lipodistrophic syndrome of HIV and its associated factors: A study in a university hospital.
Resumo (abstract):
Introduction: The use of antiretroviral drugs has increased the survival of HIV patients, but it can lead to side effects, such as lipodystrophic syndrome. Objective: To identify the frequency of lipodystrophic syndrome and its associated factors in patients with HIV using antiretroviral therapy. Methodology: A cross-sectional study with HIV patients, accompanied by outpatients. The syndrome was evaluated by the association of two parameters: peripheral weight loss through the lipodystrophy severity scale and central fat accumulation, measured by the hip waist ratio. To identify the variables associated was performed Poisson regression analysis. . Results: Of the 104 patients evaluated, 27.9% presented the syndrome. After adjustment, the female sex (PRadjusted = 2,16 CI95% 1,43-3,39), being overweight (PRadjusted = 2,23 CI95% 1,35-2,65) and a longer time of use of the antiretrovirals (PRadjusted = 1,64 CI95% 1,16-2,78), remained positively associated with the syndrome. On the other hand, it was observed negative association with CD4 count 350 (PRadjusted=0,39 CI95%0,10-0,97). Conclusion: The high prevalence of the syndrome and its association with specific groups reinforce the need for adequate follow-up and early identification to intervene in modifiable factors.
Silva, L.L.G, Santos, E.M, Nascimento, L.C.P, Cavalcanti, M, Arruda, I. K. G, Lima, M.C, Cabral, P. C.. Síndrome lipodistrófica do HIV e seus fatores associados: Um estudo Em um hospital universitário.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jul). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/sindrome-lipodistrofica-do-hiv-e-seus-fatores-associados-um-estudo-em-um-hospital-universitario/16882?id=16882