0001/2023 - Sintomas depressivos, ansiedade e os sintomas estressantes durante a gravidez afetam o ganho de peso gestacional? Depressive symptoms, anxiety and stressful symptoms during pregnancy affect gestational weight gain?
Objetivo: estimar os efeitos dos sintomas de transtornos mentais na gravidez (sintomas depressivos, ansiedade e estresse) no ganho de peso gestacional. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal, realizado com dados da Coorte de nascimento BRISA, iniciada em 2010 em São Luís/Maranhão. O ganho de peso gestacional foi classificado de acordo com Institute of Medicine. A variável independente foi um construto (variável latente) nomeado de sintomas de transtornos mentais, englobando as variáveis sintomas depressivos, a ansiedade e os sintomas estressantes (todas de forma contínua). Utilizou-se modelagem de equações estruturais, a fim de investigar a associação entre a saúde mental e ganho de peso. Resultados: Em relação a associação entre sintomas de transtornos mentais e ganho de peso na gestação, não se encontrou efeito total (CP=0,043; p=0,377). Em relação aos efeitos indiretos, também não se encontrou efeito através dos comportamentos de risco (CP=0,03; p=0,368) e através da atividade física (CP=0,00; p=0,974). Finalmente os dados não evidenciaram efeito direto dos sintomas de transtornos mentais durante a gravidez como o ganho de peso gestacional (CP=0,050; p=0,404). Conclusão: o ganho de peso gestacional não apresentou efeito direto, indireto e total nos sintomas de transtornos mentais de gestantes.
Depressão, ansiedade, saúde mental, ganho de peso na gestação, estudos longitudinais.
Objective: To estimate the effects of symptoms of mental disorders during pregnancy (depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress) on gestational weight gain (kg). Methods: Longitudinal study, carried out with datathe BRISA Birth Cohort, started in 2010 in São Luís/Maranhão. Gestational weight gain was classified according to the Institute of Medicine. The independent variable was a construct (latent variable) named symptoms of mental disorders, made up of the variables depressive symptoms, anxiety and stressful symptoms (all continuously). Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the association between mental health and weight gain. Results: Regarding the association between symptoms of mental disorders and weight gain during during pregnancy, no total effect was found (PC=0.043; p=0.377). Regarding indirect effects, no effect was found either through risk behaviors (PC=0.03; p=0.368) or through physical activity (PC=0.00; p=0.974). Finally, the data did not show a direct effect of symptoms of mental disorders during pregnancy such as gestational weight gain (CP=0.050; p=0.404). Conclusion: Gestational weight gain had no direct, indirect or total effect on symptoms of mental disorders in pregnant women.
Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health, Gestational Weight Gain, Longitudinal Studies.
Depressive symptoms, anxiety and stressful symptoms during pregnancy affect gestational weight gain?
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To estimate the effects of symptoms of mental disorders during pregnancy (depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress) on gestational weight gain (kg). Methods: Longitudinal study, carried out with datathe BRISA Birth Cohort, started in 2010 in São Luís/Maranhão. Gestational weight gain was classified according to the Institute of Medicine. The independent variable was a construct (latent variable) named symptoms of mental disorders, made up of the variables depressive symptoms, anxiety and stressful symptoms (all continuously). Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the association between mental health and weight gain. Results: Regarding the association between symptoms of mental disorders and weight gain during during pregnancy, no total effect was found (PC=0.043; p=0.377). Regarding indirect effects, no effect was found either through risk behaviors (PC=0.03; p=0.368) or through physical activity (PC=0.00; p=0.974). Finally, the data did not show a direct effect of symptoms of mental disorders during pregnancy such as gestational weight gain (CP=0.050; p=0.404). Conclusion: Gestational weight gain had no direct, indirect or total effect on symptoms of mental disorders in pregnant women.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health, Gestational Weight Gain, Longitudinal Studies.
Souza, L.N.S, Confortin, S.C, Aristizábal, L.Y.G, Chagas, D. C., Vieira, A.C., Simões, V.M.F, Alves, M.T.S.S.B. Sintomas depressivos, ansiedade e os sintomas estressantes durante a gravidez afetam o ganho de peso gestacional?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/sintomas-depressivos-ansiedade-e-os-sintomas-estressantes-durante-a-gravidez-afetam-o-ganho-de-peso-gestacional/18627?id=18627