0074/2017 - Sobrecarga dos Cuidadores de Crianças e Adolescentes com Síndrome de Down Burden of Caregivers of Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome
• Maria Teresa Botti Rodrigues Santos - Santos, Maria Teresa Botti Rodrigues - Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Pacientes Especiais - <maria.botti@cruzeirodosul.edu.br>
• Geni Leda de Medeiros Barros - Barros, Geni Leda de Medeiros - Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Odontopediatria - <geni_odonto@hotmail.com>
Área Temática:
O objetivo foi avaliar o perfil e a sobrecarga de cuidadores de crianças/adolescentes com e sem síndrome de Down. As avaliações foram realizadas por meio dos questionários sobre o perfil e a sobrecarga dos cuidadores (Burden Interview), e o perfil das crianças/adolescentes. Estes questionários foram aplicados a 168 cuidadores. Os testes Qui-quadrado, Exato de Fisher e Análise de Variância foram empregados com nível de significância fixado em α=5%. Ambos os grupos eram compostos por 84 participantes, e os cuidadores do grupo com deficiência apresentaram porcentagem significantemente maior para o sexo feminino (p=0,001), faixa etária de 41-60 anos (p˂0,001), não possuíam ocupação laboral (p˂0,001), baixa renda per capita (p˂0,001), baixo nível de escolaridade (p=0,021), religião católica (p=0,001), maiores de problemas de saúde (p˂0,001), em uso de medicação continua (p˂0,001) e com nível de sobrecarga moderada (p˂0,001). As crianças/adolescentes com deficiência necessitavam significantemente maior auxilio para a alimentação (p=0,051), banho (p=0,006), vestuário (p=0,042), controle de esfíncteres (p=0,027) e higiene íntima (p˂0,001). Os cuidadores de crianças/adolescentes com síndrome de Down apresentam sobrecarga moderada, quando comparados à cuidadores de crianças/adolescentes normoreativas.
Sobrecarga no cuidadorSíndrome de DownCuidadores
The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile and burden of caregivers of children/ adolescents with and without Down syndrome. The evaluations were conduct through questionnaires about the profile and burden of the caregivers (Burden Interview) as well as the profile of the children/adolescents. These questionnaires were administered to 168 caregivers. Chi-squared tests, Fisher‘s exact test and Analysis of Variance were used with significance level set at α = 5%. Both groups were formed by 84 participants, and the caregivers of disabled groups presented a significantly higher percentage of women (p=0,001), aged 41-60 years (p˂0,001), which had no labor occupation (p<0,001), low per capita income (p<0,001), low level of education (p=0,021), catholic religious (p=0,001), major health problems (p˂0,001), with continued medication usage (p<0,001) and moderate level of burden (p˂0,001). Children/ adolescents with disabilities needed significantly more aid for food (p=0,051), bathing (p = 0,006), dressing (p=0,042), sphincter control (p=0,027) and intimate higyene (p<0,001). Caregivers of children/adolescents with Down syndrome present moderate burden, when compared to caregivers of normoreactives children/adolescents.
Burden of Caregivers of Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile and burden of caregivers of children/ adolescents with and without Down syndrome. The evaluations were conduct through questionnaires about the profile and burden of the caregivers (Burden Interview) as well as the profile of the children/adolescents. These questionnaires were administered to 168 caregivers. Chi-squared tests, Fisher‘s exact test and Analysis of Variance were used with significance level set at α = 5%. Both groups were formed by 84 participants, and the caregivers of disabled groups presented a significantly higher percentage of women (p=0,001), aged 41-60 years (p˂0,001), which had no labor occupation (p<0,001), low per capita income (p<0,001), low level of education (p=0,021), catholic religious (p=0,001), major health problems (p˂0,001), with continued medication usage (p<0,001) and moderate level of burden (p˂0,001). Children/ adolescents with disabilities needed significantly more aid for food (p=0,051), bathing (p = 0,006), dressing (p=0,042), sphincter control (p=0,027) and intimate higyene (p<0,001). Caregivers of children/adolescents with Down syndrome present moderate burden, when compared to caregivers of normoreactives children/adolescents.
Barros, Alina Lúcia Oliveira, Barros, Amanda Oliveira, Santos, Maria Teresa Botti Rodrigues, Barros, Geni Leda de Medeiros. Sobrecarga dos Cuidadores de Crianças e Adolescentes com Síndrome de Down. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/fev). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/sobrecarga-dos-cuidadores-de-criancas-e-adolescentes-com-sindrome-de-down/16120?id=16120