0306/2013 - Sobrevida em dez anos e fatores prognósticos em mulheres com câncer de mama em Joinville, Santa Catarina. Survival in ten years and prognostic factors on women with breast cancer in Joinville, Santa Catarina.
• Arlene Laurenti Ayala - Ayala, AL - Policlínica de Atendimento Médico do Boa Vista - <alayala@bol.com.br>
Área Temática:
Introdução: O câncer de mama é o mais incidente no sexo feminino, e reduz a sobrevida das mulheres por ele acometidas. Objetivo: Avaliar a sobrevida e fatores prognósticos em mulheres com câncer de mama, atendidas no setor público, em Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Método: Trata-se de estudo de coorte retrospectivo aninhado em um estudo caso-controle. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário, pela revisão dos prontuários e declarações de óbito. Na análise de sobrevida aplicou-se o método estatístico de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de Cox. Resultados: Avaliou-se 170 mulheres. A sobrevida em dez anos foi de 83,1% (IC 95% 74,1 a 89,3%), e 21 (12,4%) óbitos foram identificados no período. A probabilidade de estar viva foi menor para aquelas em estádios avançados. O risco de mortalidade foi maior entre àquelas que tiveram outros tipos de câncer associados, e estavam insatisfeitas com a vida. Após análise ajustada o estadiamento clínico foi a única variável que permaneceu associada à sobrevida. A razão de risco de morte foi 17,1 vezes maior entre as mulheres diagnosticadas em estádios avançados. Conclusões: O estadiamento da doença foi a variável com maior associação com a sobrevida das mulheres avaliadas. Detectar a doença precocemente minimiza a mortalidade por câncer de mama.
Neoplasias da MamaEstadiamento de NeoplasiasAnálise de Sobrevida
Introduction: The breast cancer is that with higher incidence among women, and reduces survival among those with cancer. Objective: Evaluate the survival and its prognostic factors in women with breast cancer, treated by public sector, in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Method: Retrospective cohort study nested in a case-control. The data has been obtained by a questionnaire, by the review of records and death certifications. In the analysis of survival it has been applied the Kaplan-Meier‘s statistical method and the Cox’s method. Results: 170 women have been evaluated. The survival in ten years was 83.1% (95% CI 74.1 to 89.3%), and 21 (12.4%) deaths were identified at the time period. The probability of being alive was smaller for those in advanced stages of cancer; the risk of death was higher among those who had another kinds of cancer associated, and among those unsatisfied with life. The death’s ratio was 17.1 times bigger among women diagnosed in advanced stages. Conclusions: The variable staging presented higher association with the survival in evaluated women. Detecting the disease early minimizes the mortality by breast cancer.
Survival in ten years and prognostic factors on women with breast cancer in Joinville, Santa Catarina.
Resumo (abstract):
Introduction: The breast cancer is that with higher incidence among women, and reduces survival among those with cancer. Objective: Evaluate the survival and its prognostic factors in women with breast cancer, treated by public sector, in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Method: Retrospective cohort study nested in a case-control. The data has been obtained by a questionnaire, by the review of records and death certifications. In the analysis of survival it has been applied the Kaplan-Meier‘s statistical method and the Cox’s method. Results: 170 women have been evaluated. The survival in ten years was 83.1% (95% CI 74.1 to 89.3%), and 21 (12.4%) deaths were identified at the time period. The probability of being alive was smaller for those in advanced stages of cancer; the risk of death was higher among those who had another kinds of cancer associated, and among those unsatisfied with life. The death’s ratio was 17.1 times bigger among women diagnosed in advanced stages. Conclusions: The variable staging presented higher association with the survival in evaluated women. Detecting the disease early minimizes the mortality by breast cancer.
Hofelmann, D.A., Anjos, JC, Ayala, AL. Sobrevida em dez anos e fatores prognósticos em mulheres com câncer de mama em Joinville, Santa Catarina.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/ago). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/sobrevida-em-dez-anos-e-fatores-prognosticos-em-mulheres-com-cancer-de-mama-em-joinville-santa-catarina/13937?id=13937