0110/2016 - Sofrimento psíquico e estresse no trabalho de agentes penitenciários: uma revisão da literatura Psychological distress and work stress in correctional officers: a literature review
• Simone de Assis - de Assis, Simone - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca - ENSP - <sgassis@globo.com>
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Não Categorizado
Apresenta-se revisão da literatura baseada no levantamento da produção sobre sofrimento psíquico e estresse no trabalho de agentes penitenciários nos periódicos nacionais e internacionais entre os anos de 2000 e 2014. As bases de dados pesquisadas foram Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Web of Science e Scopus e os principais descritores: sofrimento psíquico, estresse e agentes penitenciários. Foram analisados 40 artigos, a maioria sobre estresse. O conceito de burnout surgiu em vários trabalhos. Os EUA são o país que mais publica sobre o tema, principalmente em revistas de justiça criminal. Há pouco destaque nas revistas de Saúde Pública. Na América Latina foram encontrados apenas quatro estudos, todos brasileiros. O número de publicações se intensificou gradualmente ao longo dos anos e houve aprimoramento metodológico na elaboração e avaliação de escalas, principalmente de estresse e burnout. Entre os fatores de risco estão a sobrecarga de trabalho, falta de recursos materiais e humanos, nível de contato com os presos, superlotação, percepções sobre medo ou perigo, paradoxo punir/reeducar, entre outros. Os fatores protetivos remetem ao apoio social dentro do ambiente prisional e as estratégias de enfrentamento relacionam-se ao aprimoramento da formação dos agentes, estímulo ao apoio social e oferta de atendimento psicológico.
sofrimento psíquico
agentes penitenciários
This article presents a review of literature based on a survey in national and international journals on psychological distress and stress in the work of correctional officers between 2000 and 2014. The database used was Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Web of Science and Scopus and the descriptors were psychological distress, stress and correctional officers. We analyzed 40 articles, mainly about stress. The concept of burnout appeared in several works. USA is the country that most publishes on the subject, especially in criminal justice journals. There is little interest about the subject in the magazines of Public Health. In Latin America we found only four studies, all Brazilians. The number of publications has gradually intensified over the years and there were methodological improvement in the development and assessment scales, mainly of stress and burnout. Among the risk factors are found work overload, lack of material and human resources, level of contact with the inmates, overcrowding, perceptions of fear or danger; paradox punish / reeducate, among others. The protective factors refer to social support within the prison environment and the coping strategies are related to the improvement of training of agents, stimulating social support and offering psychological care.
psychological distress
work conditions
correctional officers
Psychological distress and work stress in correctional officers: a literature review
Resumo (abstract):
This article presents a review of literature based on a survey in national and international journals on psychological distress and stress in the work of correctional officers between 2000 and 2014. The database used was Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Web of Science and Scopus and the descriptors were psychological distress, stress and correctional officers. We analyzed 40 articles, mainly about stress. The concept of burnout appeared in several works. USA is the country that most publishes on the subject, especially in criminal justice journals. There is little interest about the subject in the magazines of Public Health. In Latin America we found only four studies, all Brazilians. The number of publications has gradually intensified over the years and there were methodological improvement in the development and assessment scales, mainly of stress and burnout. Among the risk factors are found work overload, lack of material and human resources, level of contact with the inmates, overcrowding, perceptions of fear or danger; paradox punish / reeducate, among others. The protective factors refer to social support within the prison environment and the coping strategies are related to the improvement of training of agents, stimulating social support and offering psychological care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
psychological distress
work conditions
correctional officers
Bezerra,C.M., Constantino, P., de Assis, Simone. Sofrimento psíquico e estresse no trabalho de agentes penitenciários: uma revisão da literatura. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mar). [Citado em 02/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/sofrimento-psiquico-e-estresse-no-trabalho-de-agentes-penitenciarios-uma-revisao-da-literatura/15532?id=15532&id=15532