Cet article concerne le Système de Santé en France. Il souligne que dans ce pays il est essentiel de former des professionnels insérés dans un « savoir-faire », et également préparés aux mutations actuelles et à venir de la profession infirmière. Ainsi, une revue de la littérature a été réalisée à partir de la classification et de l’analyse des textes et des documents recherchés, nous avons essayé de comprendre le Système de Santé Français et de soins infirmiers. Cela a permis la construction de deux catégories thématiques. La première est le Service Sanitaire réalisé par les étudiants des formations en santé qui traduit la volonté du Gouvernement de placer la prévention au cœur de son action. Et la deuxième aborde la Formation des infirmiers qui est un référentiel basé sur la compétence. La démographie des infirmières en France est également abordée, ce qui met en évidence l’augmentation du nombre d’infirmières de 2010 à 2018.
Soins Infirmiers; Formation professionnelle; Marché du travail
This article concerns the French Health Care System. it underlined that in this country it is essential to train professionals integrated in a \"know-how\", and also prepared for the current and future changes in the nursing profession. A literature review was carried out based on the classification and analysis of the texts and documents researched, we tried to understand the French Health and Nursing Care System. This allowed the construction of two thematic categories. The first is the \"Health Service\" provided by students in healthcare training courses, which reflects the Government\'s desire to place prevention at the heart of its action. And the second one deals with Nursing Education, which is a competency-based framework. The demography of nurses in France is also discussed, which highlights the increase in the number of nurses2010 to 2018.
This article concerns the French Health Care System. it underlined that in this country it is essential to train professionals integrated in a \"know-how\", and also prepared for the current and future changes in the nursing profession. A literature review was carried out based on the classification and analysis of the texts and documents researched, we tried to understand the French Health and Nursing Care System. This allowed the construction of two thematic categories. The first is the \"Health Service\" provided by students in healthcare training courses, which reflects the Government\'s desire to place prevention at the heart of its action. And the second one deals with Nursing Education, which is a competency-based framework. The demography of nurses in France is also discussed, which highlights the increase in the number of nurses2010 to 2018.
Guesdon-Caltero, C, Cherchem, N, Frota, M. A., Rolim, K. M. C. Système de santé et de soins infirmiers en france.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/out). [Citado em 13/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/systeme-de-sante-et-de-soins-infirmiers-en-france/17408?id=17408