0254/2017 - Tecnovigilância no Brasil: panorama das notificações de eventos adversos e queixas técnicas de cateteres vasculares. Technovigilance in Brazil: panorama of notifications of adverse events and technical complaints of vascular catheters.
Objetivo: Identificar, quantificar e categorizar a ocorrência de notificações de eventos adversos e queixas técnicas relacionados ao uso de cateter vascular recebidas pelo sistema NOTIVISA no período de janeiro de 2007 a junho de 2016. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, documental, com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados solicitados e fornecidos pela ANVISA foram analisados e apresentados na forma de gráficos e tabelas. Resultados: Fizeram parte do estudo 4682 notificações de queixas técnicas e 671 de eventos adversos. Houve aumento progressivo das notificações no período estudado. Quanto ao tipo de queixa técnica, a maioria delas se referiu a ‘produto com suspeita de desvio de qualidade’ sendo em maior quantidade o motivo ‘rompimento do cateter durante o procedimento’. O evento adverso mais notificado foi ‘Cateter rompeu na veia e migrou para outra parte do corpo’. Destaca-se que no período estudado houveram 4 notificações de óbitos, a forma mais grave de evento adverso. Conclusão: O estudo permitiu visualizar a importância da vigilância pós-comercialização dos cateteres vasculares além de fornecer um panorama de seu uso, o que pode apoiar ações de Tecnovigilância e subsidiar as políticas públicas voltadas a esse produto.
Dispositivo de acesso vascular; Vigilância de pós-comercialização de produto; Eventos adversos; Segurança do paciente.
Objective: To identify, quantify and categorize an occurrence of reports about adverse events and technical complaints related to the use of vascular catheters received by the NOTIVISA systemJanuary 2007 to June 2016. Methods: Documental study with a quantitative approach of descriptive and retrospective data. The data was provided by ANVISA, which were analyzed and published in the form of graphs and tables. Results: 4682 reports of technical complaints and 671 adverse events were included in the study. There was a progressive increase of the notifications in period studied. Regarding the type of technical complain, a greater part referred to \'product with suspected quality deviation\' being in greater quantity or reason \'catheter rupture during the procedure\'. The most commonly reported adverse event was \'Catheter ruptured in the vein and migrated to another part of the body\'. It is noteworthy that during the study period there were 4 reports of deaths, a more severe form of adverse event. Conclusion: The study allowed the visualization of the importance of post-marketing vigilance of vascular catheters as well as providing an overview of their use, which may support technological technology actions and support public policies aimed at this product.
Technovigilance in Brazil: panorama of notifications of adverse events and technical complaints of vascular catheters.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To identify, quantify and categorize an occurrence of reports about adverse events and technical complaints related to the use of vascular catheters received by the NOTIVISA systemJanuary 2007 to June 2016. Methods: Documental study with a quantitative approach of descriptive and retrospective data. The data was provided by ANVISA, which were analyzed and published in the form of graphs and tables. Results: 4682 reports of technical complaints and 671 adverse events were included in the study. There was a progressive increase of the notifications in period studied. Regarding the type of technical complain, a greater part referred to \'product with suspected quality deviation\' being in greater quantity or reason \'catheter rupture during the procedure\'. The most commonly reported adverse event was \'Catheter ruptured in the vein and migrated to another part of the body\'. It is noteworthy that during the study period there were 4 reports of deaths, a more severe form of adverse event. Conclusion: The study allowed the visualization of the importance of post-marketing vigilance of vascular catheters as well as providing an overview of their use, which may support technological technology actions and support public policies aimed at this product.
Oliveira, CG, Rodas, ACD. Tecnovigilância no Brasil: panorama das notificações de eventos adversos e queixas técnicas de cateteres vasculares.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/jul). [Citado em 15/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/tecnovigilancia-no-brasil-panorama-das-notificacoes-de-eventos-adversos-e-queixas-tecnicas-de-cateteres-vasculares/16306?id=16306