0008/2017 - Tendência dos gastos e das Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária em menores de cinco anos na Bahia Trends and expenditures for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in under-fiver years in Bahia
• Silvia Morgana Araujo de Oliveira - Oliveira, Silvia Morgana Araujo de - Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Programa de Pós Graduação em Saúde Coletiva - <silviamorganaodonto@hotmail.com>
Área Temática:
Este estudo analisou a tendência dos gastos e das Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária (ICSAP) em crianças residentes na Bahia. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico de série temporal, na Bahia, de 2000 a 2012. Foram calculadas as taxas anuais de ICSAP em menores de cinco anos, dos gastos totais e dos gastos médios. Para a análise da tendência temporal, foram construídos modelos de regressão linear. Foram notificadas 810.831 ICSAP em menores de cinco anos na Bahia de 2000 a 2012. A taxa de ICSAP decresceu 24,7% no período, passando de 44,6 para 33,6 hospitalizações/1.000 crianças. O gasto total foi estimado em 155,8 milhões de reais, sendo observada redução de 50,4%, comparando-se o primeiro com o último ano da série. A análise de regressão linear evidenciou tendência de redução das ICSAP (β =-1,20; p = 0,014), dos gastos médios (β =-3,45; p < 0,01) e gastos totais (β = -0,46; p < 0,01). Apesar do comportamento de queda, ainda há elevadas taxas de ICSAP, que repercutem em um grande volume de recursos gastos com tais hospitalizações. Nesse sentido, diminuir as ICSAP em menores de cinco anos é importante tanto para melhorar a saúde da população quanto para reduzir gastos hospitalares.
HospitalizaçãoAtenção Primária à SaúdeSaúde da CriançaRecursos Financeiros em SaúdeEstudos de Séries Temporais
This study analyzed the trend and expenditures of Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions, (ACSC, or ICSAP in Portuguese) on children. It was an ecological time series study, including hospitalizations of children under five years in Bahia, from 2000 to 2012. The annual rates of ICSAP were calculated, as well as the total and the average expenditures with such hospitalizations. For temporal trends analysis linear regression models were built. It has been reported 810,831 hospitalizations for ICSAP. Hospitalization rates dropped 24.7% in the studied period, falling from 44.6 to 33.6 per 1,000 children. The total expenditure on such admissions was estimated at 155.8 million reais. There was a reduction of 50.4% in total expenditure by comparing the first to the last year of the series. The linear regression analysis showed reduction trend of ICSAP (β = -1.20, p = 0.014), average expenditure (β = -3.45, p <0.01) and total expenditure (β = -0,46, p <0.01). Despite the fall of these indicators, there is still high rates for ICSAP, which produces a large impact on the volume of resources spent on avoidable hospitalization. In this sense, decrease ICSAP is important both to improve population health and to reduce hospital costs.
HospitalizationPrimary Health CareChild HealthFinancial Resources in HealthTime Series Studies
Trends and expenditures for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in under-fiver years in Bahia
Resumo (abstract):
This study analyzed the trend and expenditures of Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions, (ACSC, or ICSAP in Portuguese) on children. It was an ecological time series study, including hospitalizations of children under five years in Bahia, from 2000 to 2012. The annual rates of ICSAP were calculated, as well as the total and the average expenditures with such hospitalizations. For temporal trends analysis linear regression models were built. It has been reported 810,831 hospitalizations for ICSAP. Hospitalization rates dropped 24.7% in the studied period, falling from 44.6 to 33.6 per 1,000 children. The total expenditure on such admissions was estimated at 155.8 million reais. There was a reduction of 50.4% in total expenditure by comparing the first to the last year of the series. The linear regression analysis showed reduction trend of ICSAP (β = -1.20, p = 0.014), average expenditure (β = -3.45, p <0.01) and total expenditure (β = -0,46, p <0.01). Despite the fall of these indicators, there is still high rates for ICSAP, which produces a large impact on the volume of resources spent on avoidable hospitalization. In this sense, decrease ICSAP is important both to improve population health and to reduce hospital costs.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
HospitalizationPrimary Health CareChild HealthFinancial Resources in HealthTime Series Studies
Pinto Junior, E.P., Silva, M.G.C., Aquino, R., Medina, M.G, Costa, L.Q, Oliveira, Silvia Morgana Araujo de. Tendência dos gastos e das Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária em menores de cinco anos na Bahia. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/jan). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/tendencia-dos-gastos-e-das-internacoes-por-condicoes-sensiveis-a-atencao-primaria-em-menores-de-cinco-anos-na-bahia/16054?id=16054