0367/2018 - Tendência e distribuição da taxa de mortalidade por homicídios segundo porte populacional dos municípios do Brasil, 2000 e 2015. Trend and distribution of death rate by homicides according to the population size of the municipalities of Brazil, 2000 and 2015.
O estudo tem como objetivo analisar tendências e distribuição das taxas de mortalidade por homicídios (TMH) segundo porte populacional dos municípios brasileiros entre 2000 e 2015. Trata-se de estudo ecológico dos óbitos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade, com TMH padronizada pelo método direto e intervalo de 95% de confiança. A TMH no Brasil cresceu 6% (para 29,1/100 mil) no período, com aumento em municípios de pequeno (83%; 12,7 para 23,2/100 mil) e médio porte (52%; 19,7 para 30,1/100 mil); o que se verifica para ambos os sexos, diferentes idades, regiões e em eventos por arma de fogo. A TMH decresceu em municípios de grande porte metropolitanos (19%; 40,6 para 32,9/100 mil) e da região Sudeste (55%; 45,6 para 20,6/100 mil). O risco relativo-RR de cidades pequenas e médias em relação a grandes já é maior ou próximo de 1 em mulheres (RR 0,99; 1,03), pessoas com 60 ou mais anos (RR 1,43; 1,36) e homicídios por outros meios (RR 1,16; 1,18). As cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro foram as que mais contribuíram para a redução das TMH, em especial nas cidades grandes (-37,6 e -22,3 homicídios/100 mil hab.). Municípios de porte pequeno e médio apresentam tendências consistentes de incremento de TMH mesmo considerando subgrupos populacionais.
The study aims to analyze trends and distribution of homicide mortality rates (HMR) according to population size of Brazilian municipalities between 2000 and 2015. This is an ecological study of deathsthe Mortality Information System, with TMH standardized by the direct method and 95% confidence interval. The TMH in Brazil grew 6% (to 29.1/100,000) in the period, with increase in municipalities of small (83%; 12.7 to 23.2/100,000) and medium-sized (52%; 19.7% to 30.1/100,000); which is true for both sexes, different ages, regions and events by firearm. The TMH decreased in large metropolitan municipalities (19%; 40.6% to 32.9/100,000) and the Southeast region (55%; 45.6% to 20.6/100,000). The relative risk-RR of small and medium-sized cities in relation to large ones is already higher or near 1 in women (RR 0.99; 1.03), people aged 60 years or older (RR 1.43; 1.36) and homicides by other means (RR 1.16; 1.18). The cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro contributed the most to the reduction of HMR, especially in large cities (-37.6 and -22.3 homicides/100,000 inhabitants). Municipalities of small and medium size have consistent trends to increase HMR even considering population subgroups.
Trend and distribution of death rate by homicides according to the population size of the municipalities of Brazil, 2000 and 2015.
Resumo (abstract):
The study aims to analyze trends and distribution of homicide mortality rates (HMR) according to population size of Brazilian municipalities between 2000 and 2015. This is an ecological study of deathsthe Mortality Information System, with TMH standardized by the direct method and 95% confidence interval. The TMH in Brazil grew 6% (to 29.1/100,000) in the period, with increase in municipalities of small (83%; 12.7 to 23.2/100,000) and medium-sized (52%; 19.7% to 30.1/100,000); which is true for both sexes, different ages, regions and events by firearm. The TMH decreased in large metropolitan municipalities (19%; 40.6% to 32.9/100,000) and the Southeast region (55%; 45.6% to 20.6/100,000). The relative risk-RR of small and medium-sized cities in relation to large ones is already higher or near 1 in women (RR 0.99; 1.03), people aged 60 years or older (RR 1.43; 1.36) and homicides by other means (RR 1.16; 1.18). The cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro contributed the most to the reduction of HMR, especially in large cities (-37.6 and -22.3 homicides/100,000 inhabitants). Municipalities of small and medium size have consistent trends to increase HMR even considering population subgroups.
Soares Filho, A.M, Duarte, E.C, Merchan-Hamann, E. Tendência e distribuição da taxa de mortalidade por homicídios segundo porte populacional dos municípios do Brasil, 2000 e 2015.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jul). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/tendencia-e-distribuicao-da-taxa-de-mortalidade-por-homicidios-segundo-porte-populacional-dos-municipios-do-brasil-2000-e-2015/16900?id=16900