1913/2012 - Tendência secular de crescimento em estatura no município de Florianópolis – SC e sua associação com o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH). Secular trend of growth in stature in Florianópolis-SC in relation with human development index (HDI)
Objetivo. Avaliar a tendência secular de crescimento (TSC) em estatura dos recrutas do 63º Batalhão de Infantaria (BI) de Florianópolis (FLN)-SC e correlacioná-la com o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH). Métodos: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo de recrutas com 18 a 20 anos que foram incorporados ao 63º BI de FLN no alistamento militar durante o período de 1963 a 2007. A amostra foi constituída por 600 inscritos de um total de 3000 recrutas incorporados no período. De cada década, selecionou-se três anos sendo analisadas as primeiras 40 fichas através da estatística descritiva, ANOVA, teste de Turkey e regressão linear simples. Este trabalho propõe-se a dar continuidade e fornecer comparativos ao artigo “Têndencia secular de crescimento em Blumenau-Brasil e sua associação com o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano”. Resultados: Constatou-se que em FLN ocorreu acréscimo de 7 cm na estatura dos recrutas nos últimos 47 anos, sendo este incremento mais evidente entre as décadas de 1990 e 2000. As estaturas médias das décadas mostraram correlação forte e positiva com o IDH de FLN. No comparativo das estaturas de FLN e Blumenau, encontrou-se para ambas as cidades o mesmo acréscimo de 1,4 cm/década no período de 1960 e 2000. Conclusão: Encontrou-se TSC positiva para Florianópolis, havendo forte correlação com os valores de IDH da cidade entre as décadas de 1960 e 2000.
Desenvolvimento humano
Objective. To evaluate the secular trend of growth (TSC) in stature of recruits from the 63 Infantry Battalion (IB) of Florianópolis (FLN)-SC and correlate it with the human development index (HDI). Methods: Cross-sectional and retrospective recruits aged 18 to 20 years that were incorporated into the 63 º BI FLN in military draft during the period 1963 to 2007. The sample consisted of 600 enrolled a total of 3000 recruits incorporated in the period. In every decade, we selected three years being analyzed the first 40 chips using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, linear regression and Turkey. This work intends to provide continuity and to provide comparative article "secular trend of growth in Blumenau, Brazil and its association with the Human Development Index." Results: It was found that occurred in FLN increase of 7 cm in height of recruits in the last 47 years, this increase being more evident in the decades of 1990 and 2000. The average heights of decades showed strong positive correlation with the HDI of FLN. In comparing the heights of FLN and Blumenau, met for both cities the same increase of 1.4 cm / decade between 1960 and 2000. Conclusion: We found a positive SPT to Florianopolis, with a strong correlation with HDI values ​​of the city between the decades of 1960 and 2000.
Secular trend of growth in stature in Florianópolis-SC in relation with human development index (HDI)
Resumo (abstract):
Objective. To evaluate the secular trend of growth (TSC) in stature of recruits from the 63 Infantry Battalion (IB) of Florianópolis (FLN)-SC and correlate it with the human development index (HDI). Methods: Cross-sectional and retrospective recruits aged 18 to 20 years that were incorporated into the 63 º BI FLN in military draft during the period 1963 to 2007. The sample consisted of 600 enrolled a total of 3000 recruits incorporated in the period. In every decade, we selected three years being analyzed the first 40 chips using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, linear regression and Turkey. This work intends to provide continuity and to provide comparative article "secular trend of growth in Blumenau, Brazil and its association with the Human Development Index." Results: It was found that occurred in FLN increase of 7 cm in height of recruits in the last 47 years, this increase being more evident in the decades of 1990 and 2000. The average heights of decades showed strong positive correlation with the HDI of FLN. In comparing the heights of FLN and Blumenau, met for both cities the same increase of 1.4 cm / decade between 1960 and 2000. Conclusion: We found a positive SPT to Florianopolis, with a strong correlation with HDI values ​​of the city between the decades of 1960 and 2000.
Vargas, D.M., Pinheiro, A.C.C., Niederauer, J.M.. Tendência secular de crescimento em estatura no município de Florianópolis – SC e sua associação com o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH).. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/fev). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/tendencia-secular-de-crescimento-em-estatura-no-municipio-de-florianopolis-sc-e-sua-associacao-com-o-indice-de-desenvolvimento-humano-idh/12097?id=12097