Saúde prisional é, em sua essência, saúde pública. A pandemia de COVID-19 representa uma grande ameaça para o mundo e tem demonstrado que prevenir a escalada da doença em prisões faz parte do combate ao novo coronavírus na sociedade em geral. Sabe-se, até o momento, que a mais efetiva medida de contenção ao avanço da doença é o isolamento social. No entanto, em instituições penais, muitas vezes superlotadas, tal medida torna-se de difícil implementação e, quando acontece, leva a população privada de liberdade a um superisolamento, tendo consequências em sua saúde mental. Além disso, indivíduos presos sofrem com ambientes sem ventilação, falta de materiais de higiene pessoal, condições sanitárias básicas precárias e dificuldade de acesso a serviços de saúde. Para reduzir a propagação da doença, medidas estão sendo tomadas em vários países, como a libertação temporária ou definitiva de presos e a restrição de visitas. O presente artigo objetiva ser uma revisão narrativa sobre os efeitos da pandemia em presídios e como governos e sociedade civil têm se organizado a fim de reduzir as consequências sobre esses locais. A publicação foi dividida em três seções: na primeira, há uma revisão da literatura em saúde sobre a temática; na segunda, é tratado o modo como diferentes países estão lidando com a situação carcerária no contexto da pandemia; na terceira e última parte, é abordado o
Prisões; Preisioneiros; SARS-CoV-2; Pandemia por COVID-19.
Prisional health is, in its essence, public health. The COVID-19 pandemic poses a great threat to the world and has shown that preventing the disease escalation in prisons integrates the novel corona virus clash in society in general. Up to this moment, the most effective known measure to curb the disease spread is social isolation. Nevertheless, in penal institutions, often overcrowded, social isolation becomes difficult to carry out and, when it happens, it takes the enclosed population to overisolation, with consequences to their mental health. Besides, prisoners suffer with clogged up environment, lack of materials for personal hygiene, poor basic sanitary conditions and difficulties in accessing health services. In order to reduce the disease spread, several countries are taking measures such as definite or temporary release of prisoners and visiting restrictions. This paper deals with a narrative review on the pandemic effects in prisons and how government and civil society have organized themselves in order to reduce the disease consequences at those places. The text has been divided into three sections: the first with literature review on the current health theme; the second discusses how different countries have been dealing with the prison situation in the pandemic context, and, the last part focuses on how the Brazilian Penal System has reacted to the new disease.
A pandemia no cárcere: Intervenções esuperisolamento
Resumo (abstract):
Prisional health is, in its essence, public health. The COVID-19 pandemic poses a great threat to the world and has shown that preventing the disease escalation in prisons integrates the novel corona virus clash in society in general. Up to this moment, the most effective known measure to curb the disease spread is social isolation. Nevertheless, in penal institutions, often overcrowded, social isolation becomes difficult to carry out and, when it happens, it takes the enclosed population to overisolation, with consequences to their mental health. Besides, prisoners suffer with clogged up environment, lack of materials for personal hygiene, poor basic sanitary conditions and difficulties in accessing health services. In order to reduce the disease spread, several countries are taking measures such as definite or temporary release of prisoners and visiting restrictions. This paper deals with a narrative review on the pandemic effects in prisons and how government and civil society have organized themselves in order to reduce the disease consequences at those places. The text has been divided into three sections: the first with literature review on the current health theme; the second discusses how different countries have been dealing with the prison situation in the pandemic context, and, the last part focuses on how the Brazilian Penal System has reacted to the new disease.
Carvalho, S.G, Santos, A.B.S, Santos, I.M. The pandemic in prison: Interventions and overisolation. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jun). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
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