0157/2024 - Trajetórias de adolescentes que vivem com o vírus HIV por transmissão vertical Trajectories of adolescents living with the HIV virus through vertical transmission
Este estudo analisa as histórias de vida de oito jovens vivendo com HIV por transmissão vertical, visando compreender suas percepções marcadas pelo segredo e silêncio sobre suas vivências com o vírus. Realizado em ambulatório especializado no Rio de Janeiro, o estudo adotou como ferramenta de cuidado a dança circular, considerada uma Prática Integrativa e Complementar em Saúde. Utilizando abordagem qualitativa e a História de Vida como método de coleta, o foco foi compreender as experiências dos jovens, não apenas relacionadas à doença, mas também a aspectos cruciais de suas vidas. Participaram do estudo três meninas e cinco meninos, todos cientes de seu diagnóstico. Os principais temas emergentes incluíram dinâmica familiar, conexão com o ambiente escolar, desafios na adesão ao tratamento, idade no momento da revelação do diagnóstico e tempo decorrido desde então. A análise das narrativas desses jovens, permitiu explorar aspectos individuais e sociais da experiência, revelando similaridades e diferenças entre eles. As oficinas de dança circular ofereceram um espaço lúdico para a expressão de emoções e sentimentos por meio dos movimentos corporais, ampliando as perspectivas dos jovens em relação ao futuro.
HIV; Transmissão Vertical de Doenças Infecciosas; Saúde do Adolescente, História de Vida, Terapias Complementares.
This study analyzes the life stories of eight young people living with vertically transmitted HIV, aiming to understand their perceptions marked by secrecy and silence regarding their experiences with the virus. Conducted at a specialized outpatient clinic in Rio de Janeiro, the study adopted circular dance, a Complementary and Integrative Health Practice as a care tool. Using a qualitative approach and Life History as a data collection method, the focus was to understand the youth\'s experiences, not only related to the disease but also to crucial aspects of their lives. Three girls and five boys participated in the study, all aware of their diagnosis. Key emerging themes included family dynamics, school environment connection, challenges in treatment adherence, age at the time of diagnosis disclosure, and time elapsed since then. The analysis of these young people\'s narratives allowed us to explore individual and social aspects of their experience, revealing similarities and differences among them. The circular dance workshops provided a playful space for the expression of emotions and feelings through body movements, expanding the youths\' perspectives on the future.
Trajectories of adolescents living with the HIV virus through vertical transmission
Resumo (abstract):
This study analyzes the life stories of eight young people living with vertically transmitted HIV, aiming to understand their perceptions marked by secrecy and silence regarding their experiences with the virus. Conducted at a specialized outpatient clinic in Rio de Janeiro, the study adopted circular dance, a Complementary and Integrative Health Practice as a care tool. Using a qualitative approach and Life History as a data collection method, the focus was to understand the youth\'s experiences, not only related to the disease but also to crucial aspects of their lives. Three girls and five boys participated in the study, all aware of their diagnosis. Key emerging themes included family dynamics, school environment connection, challenges in treatment adherence, age at the time of diagnosis disclosure, and time elapsed since then. The analysis of these young people\'s narratives allowed us to explore individual and social aspects of their experience, revealing similarities and differences among them. The circular dance workshops provided a playful space for the expression of emotions and feelings through body movements, expanding the youths\' perspectives on the future.
Freire, I. M., Minayo, M.C.S. Trajetórias de adolescentes que vivem com o vírus HIV por transmissão vertical. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/abr). [Citado em 06/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/trajetorias-de-adolescentes-que-vivem-com-o-virus-hiv-por-transmissao-vertical/19205?id=19205