0098/2024 - Transferências federais por emendas parlamentares aos municípios: implicações para o financiamento do SUS Federal transfers to municipalities through parliamentary amendments: implications for SUS funding
O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as transferências por emendas parlamentares do Ministério da Saúde aos municípios para o financiamento de ações e serviços públicos de saúde, de 2015 a 2021. Foi realizado estudo descritivo e exploratório com dados secundários, abrangendo a totalidade de municípios brasileiros. Os recursos provenientes de emendas apresentaram aumento, em especial a partir de 2018, indicando a expansão de sua relevância para o financiamento do SUS. No período de 2016 a 2021, mais de 80% foram alocados aos municípios, representando 9,5% dos repasses federais, com 91,2% de natureza de custeio. As transferências por emendas diferem dos repasses regulares por possuir maior instabilidade e variação per capita entre os montantes captados pelos municípios, e por destinar a maior parte dos recursos ao Nordeste e à atenção primária, em detrimento do Sudeste e da média e alta complexidade. Configura-se uma modalidade diferenciada de alocação de recursos no SUS que produz novas distorções e assimetrias, com implicações para as relações intergovernamentais e entre os poderes executivo e legislativo, ampliando o risco de descontinuidade de ações e serviços e impondo desafios para as gestões municipais.
Financiamento da Assistência à Saúde, Alocação de Recursos para a Atenção à Saúde, Recursos Financeiros em Saúde, Gastos Públicos com Saúde.
The article analyzes the transfersparliamentary amendments by the Ministry of Health to municipalities to finance public health actions and services2015 to 2021. A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out with secondary data covering all Brazilian cities. Resourcesamendments showed an increase, particularly2018 onwards, indicating the expansion of their relevance for financing the SUS. From 2016 to 2021, over 80% was allocated to municipalities, representing 9.5% of federal transfers, with 91.2% for operational expenses. Transfersamendments differregular transfers due to greater instability and per capita variation among the amounts collected by municipalities and because they allocate most resources to the Northeast and primary care, to the detriment of the Southeast and medium and high complexity. These transfers represent a differentiated modality of resource allocation in the SUS that produces new distortions and asymmetries, with implications for intergovernmental relations and between the executive and legislative powers, increasing the risk of discontinuity of actions and services and imposing challenges for municipal management.
Healthcare Financing, Allocation of Healthcare Resources, Financial Resources in Health, Public Expenditures on Health.
Federal transfers to municipalities through parliamentary amendments: implications for SUS funding
Resumo (abstract):
The article analyzes the transfersparliamentary amendments by the Ministry of Health to municipalities to finance public health actions and services2015 to 2021. A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out with secondary data covering all Brazilian cities. Resourcesamendments showed an increase, particularly2018 onwards, indicating the expansion of their relevance for financing the SUS. From 2016 to 2021, over 80% was allocated to municipalities, representing 9.5% of federal transfers, with 91.2% for operational expenses. Transfersamendments differregular transfers due to greater instability and per capita variation among the amounts collected by municipalities and because they allocate most resources to the Northeast and primary care, to the detriment of the Southeast and medium and high complexity. These transfers represent a differentiated modality of resource allocation in the SUS that produces new distortions and asymmetries, with implications for intergovernmental relations and between the executive and legislative powers, increasing the risk of discontinuity of actions and services and imposing challenges for municipal management.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Healthcare Financing, Allocation of Healthcare Resources, Financial Resources in Health, Public Expenditures on Health.
Silva, A. S., de Lima, L. D., Baptista, T. W. de F., Vieira, F. S.. Transferências federais por emendas parlamentares aos municípios: implicações para o financiamento do SUS. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/abr). [Citado em 11/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/transferencias-federais-por-emendas-parlamentares-aos-municipios-implicacoes-para-o-financiamento-do-sus/19146?id=19146