El presente estudio pretende explorar el estado de Inseguridad Alimentaria (IA) en cada país perteneciente a la comunidad sudamericana. Para ello y considerando que es un problema vigente y de carácter multifactorial, se analizaron sus cuatro pilares: disponibilidad, acceso, estabilidad y utilización de alimentos. Como resultado, se observa que la mala utilización de alimentos, es la causa más propensa a causar IA en la comunidad sudamericana, no obstante, la indisponibilidad e inaccesibilidad hacia los alimentos, causa gran preocupación en ciertos estados de la subregión. El origen más probable es la baja promoción de buenos hábitos alimenticios, además de políticas erradas que impiden la correcta producción y/o motivación de los campesinos a seguir ejerciendo sus actividades en el agro. Este problema debe ser mitigado lo antes posible, ya que, aunque empieza por no tener el dinero y/o los hábitos alimenticios necesarios, termina con graves problemas de salud hacia los pobladores. Consideramos importante fortalecer políticas para erradicar la IA sudamericana, iniciando con el apoyo hacia la producción de alimentos, para finalizar con intervenciones nutricionales que permitan mejorar los hábitos alimenticios de los habitantes.
América del Sur, seguridad alimentaria, alimentación saludable, hábitos alimenticios, intervención comunitaria.
The present study aims to explore the state of Food Insecurity (FI) in each country belonging to the South American community. To do this and considering that it is a current and multifactorial problem, its four pillars were analyzed: availability, access, stability and use of food. As a result, it is observed that the misuse of food is the most likely cause of causing FI in the South American community, however, the unavailability and inaccessibility of food causes great concern in certain states of the subregion. The most probable origin is the low promotion of good eating habits, in addition to wrong policies that prevent the correct production and / or motivation of the peasants to continue exercising their activities in agriculture. This problem must be mitigated as soon as possible, since, although it begins with not having the money and / or the necessary nutritional habits, it ends up with serious health problems towards the inhabitants. We consider it important to strengthen policies to eradicate South American FI, beginning with support for food production, and ending with nutritional interventions that improve the eating habits of the inhabitants.
South America, food security, healthy eating, eating habits, community intervention.
The present study aims to explore the state of Food Insecurity (FI) in each country belonging to the South American community. To do this and considering that it is a current and multifactorial problem, its four pillars were analyzed: availability, access, stability and use of food. As a result, it is observed that the misuse of food is the most likely cause of causing FI in the South American community, however, the unavailability and inaccessibility of food causes great concern in certain states of the subregion. The most probable origin is the low promotion of good eating habits, in addition to wrong policies that prevent the correct production and / or motivation of the peasants to continue exercising their activities in agriculture. This problem must be mitigated as soon as possible, since, although it begins with not having the money and / or the necessary nutritional habits, it ends up with serious health problems towards the inhabitants. We consider it important to strengthen policies to eradicate South American FI, beginning with support for food production, and ending with nutritional interventions that improve the eating habits of the inhabitants.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
South America, food security, healthy eating, eating habits, community intervention.
Aulestia-Guerrero, E.M, Capa-Mora, E.D. Una mirada hacia la inseguridad alimentaria sudamericana.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/dez). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/una-mirada-hacia-la-inseguridad-alimentaria-sudamericana/17056?id=17056