0271/2020 - Uso de álcool, conflitos familiares e supervisão parental entre estudantes do ensino médio. Alcohol use, family conflicts and parental supervision among high school students.
Investigou-se a associação entre o consumo de álcool pelos escolares com os conflitos familiares, supervisão dos paise qualidade dos relacionamentos. Estudo transversal realizado com 1.265 adolescentes de 21 escolas. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira do Inventário de Triagem do Uso de Drogas/DUSI e estimadas prevalências absolutas e relativas para variáveis categóricas, e conduzidas análises bivariadas: teste Qui Quadrado de Pearson. Para magnitude da associação entre a variável dependente eindependentes foram estimadas razões de prevalências por meio deregressão multivariável de Poisson. Houve associação do consumo de álcool com uso de drogas por familiares, discussões frequentes e desconhecimento dos pais sobre o que os adolescentes fazem. Supervisão familiar, bom relacionamento com pais/responsáveis, estabelecimento de vínculo familiar afetivo e ciência dos pais acerca do que os adolescentes fazem e onde estão, foram fatores de proteção para uso de álcool. Concluiu-se que a alta taxa de escolares que consomem álcool é preocupante, passível de complicações da saúde na sua integralidade, sendo fundamental relação familiar harmonizada. A implementação de práticas interventivas entre escola e Estratégia de Saúde da Família, podem contribuir no estabelecimento de vínculo protetivo.
The association among alcohol consumption by students with family conflicts, parental supervision and quality of relationships was investigated. Cross-sectional study carried out with 1,265 adolescents21 schools. The Brazilian version of the Drug Use Screening Inventory / DUSI was used and estimated absolute and relative prevalence for categorical variables, and bivariate analyzes were conducted: Pearson\'s Chi Square test. For the magnitude of the association between the dependent and independent variables, prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson multivariate regression. There was an association among alcohol consumption and drug use by family members, frequent discussions and parents\' lack of knowledge about what adolescents do. Family supervision, good relationship with parents / guardians, establishing an affective family bond and parents\' knowledge about what teenagers do and they are, were protective factors for alcohol use. It was concluded that the high rate of schoolchildren who consume alcohol is worrying, liable to health complications in its entirety, and a harmonized family relationship is fundamental. The implementation of interventional practices between school and the Family Health Strategy, can contribute to the establishment of a protective bond.
Adolescent. Alcoholic beverages. Family conflict. Family relations.
Alcohol use, family conflicts and parental supervision among high school students.
Resumo (abstract):
The association among alcohol consumption by students with family conflicts, parental supervision and quality of relationships was investigated. Cross-sectional study carried out with 1,265 adolescents21 schools. The Brazilian version of the Drug Use Screening Inventory / DUSI was used and estimated absolute and relative prevalence for categorical variables, and bivariate analyzes were conducted: Pearson\'s Chi Square test. For the magnitude of the association between the dependent and independent variables, prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson multivariate regression. There was an association among alcohol consumption and drug use by family members, frequent discussions and parents\' lack of knowledge about what adolescents do. Family supervision, good relationship with parents / guardians, establishing an affective family bond and parents\' knowledge about what teenagers do and they are, were protective factors for alcohol use. It was concluded that the high rate of schoolchildren who consume alcohol is worrying, liable to health complications in its entirety, and a harmonized family relationship is fundamental. The implementation of interventional practices between school and the Family Health Strategy, can contribute to the establishment of a protective bond.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Adolescent. Alcoholic beverages. Family conflict. Family relations.