0454/2018 - Uso de serviços odontológicos públicos entre idosos brasileiros: Uma análise multinível. Use of public dental services by elderly Brazilians: A multilevel analysis.
Avaliou-se, entre idosos brasileiros, se o uso dos serviços odontológicos provenientes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) é equânime. Utilizaram-se dados individuais de exames conduzidos por profissionais calibrados do levantamento nacional de saúde bucal (2010) e dados contextuais originários do DATASUS e do IBGE. A variável dependente foi o tipo de serviço utilizado: SUS e Outros. Foram conduzidas análises multiníveis através de regressão logística (?=5%) (OR/IC 95%), através do SPSS 24.0. Participaram 6303 idosos, a prevalência do uso no SUS foi de 30%, os fatores contextuais associados foram o acesso a banheiro e água encanada (1,54/1,19-2,00) e o índice de cuidados odontológicos (1,41/1,10-1,81); já os individuais: idade (0,77/0,66-0,90), anos de estudo (1,83/1,53-2,20), renda familiar (2,57/2,20-3,01), motivo da última consulta (0,75/0,60-0,93), no de dentes cariados (1,26/1,08-1,48), no de dentes obturados (0,63/0,54-0,74), uso de próteses (2,23/1,91-2,59), dor de dente (1,36/1.11-1,67), autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento odontológico (1,20/1,12-1,51) e da necessidade de próteses (1,38/1,20-159). O uso no SUS tem sido equânime, porém é preciso organizar o processo de trabalho, viabilizando tal uso de forma regular e preventiva buscando a universalidade e a integralidade.
Idoso; Sistema Único de Saúde; Saúde Bucal; Equidade em saúde.
This study evaluated, between older Brazilians, wheter the use of dental servicesthe Unified Health System (Sistema Unico de Saúde - SUS) is equanimity. Individual datathe national oral health survey (2010) collected by calibrated professional and contextual dataDATASUS and IBGE was used. Dependent variable was the type of service used: SUS and others. Multilevel analyses were conducted using logistic regression (α=5%) (OR/IC 95%), SPSS 24.0 was used. 6303 older people were included, the prevalence of dental service use in SUS was 30%; contextual factors associated with this access were: bathroom and running water access (1.54/1.19 -2.00) and the dental care index (1.41/1.10-1.81); the individual associated were: age (0.77/0.66-0.90), years of study (1.83/1.53-2.20), family income (2.57/2.20-3.01), reason of last dental visit (0.75/0.60-0.93), decayed teeth number (1.26/1.08-1.48), filled teeth number (0.63/0.54-0.74), dental prosthesis use (2.23/1.91-2.59), dental pain (1.36/1.11-1.67), self-perception of the need for dental treatment (1.20/1.12-1.51) and need of dental prosthesis (1.38/1.20-1.59). Dental serviceSUS use has been equanimity, but it is necessary to organize the working process, allowing such use of regular and preventive way seeking universality and completeness.
Aged; Unified Health System; Oral Health; Health Equity.
Use of public dental services by elderly Brazilians: A multilevel analysis.
Resumo (abstract):
This study evaluated, between older Brazilians, wheter the use of dental servicesthe Unified Health System (Sistema Unico de Saúde - SUS) is equanimity. Individual datathe national oral health survey (2010) collected by calibrated professional and contextual dataDATASUS and IBGE was used. Dependent variable was the type of service used: SUS and others. Multilevel analyses were conducted using logistic regression (α=5%) (OR/IC 95%), SPSS 24.0 was used. 6303 older people were included, the prevalence of dental service use in SUS was 30%; contextual factors associated with this access were: bathroom and running water access (1.54/1.19 -2.00) and the dental care index (1.41/1.10-1.81); the individual associated were: age (0.77/0.66-0.90), years of study (1.83/1.53-2.20), family income (2.57/2.20-3.01), reason of last dental visit (0.75/0.60-0.93), decayed teeth number (1.26/1.08-1.48), filled teeth number (0.63/0.54-0.74), dental prosthesis use (2.23/1.91-2.59), dental pain (1.36/1.11-1.67), self-perception of the need for dental treatment (1.20/1.12-1.51) and need of dental prosthesis (1.38/1.20-1.59). Dental serviceSUS use has been equanimity, but it is necessary to organize the working process, allowing such use of regular and preventive way seeking universality and completeness.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Aged; Unified Health System; Oral Health; Health Equity.
Martins, A.M.E.B.L., Oliveira, RFR, Haikal, D.S., Santos, ASF, Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Alecrim, B.P.A, Ferreira, E.F.. Uso de serviços odontológicos públicos entre idosos brasileiros: Uma análise multinível.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/out). [Citado em 10/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/uso-de-servicos-odontologicos-publicos-entre-idosos-brasileiros-uma-analise-multinivel/16987?id=16987