0248/2018 - Vaccination against influenza among pregnant women in southern Brazil and associated factors. Vacinação contra Influenza entre gestantes no Sul do Brasil e fatores associados.
Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência da imunização contra a gripe em mulheres grávidas e seus fatores associados. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em um município no extremo sul do Brasil, que incluiu todas as mulheres que deram à luz no ano de 2016. O desfecho foi ter recebido a vacina contra a gripe durante a gravidez. Características sociodemográficas, comportamentais, do pré-natal e morbidades foram analisadas como fatores associados à vacinação. A análise constou de descrição da amostra, prevalência da vacinação para cada uma das variáveis independentes e análise multivariada. Resultados: 2.694 parturientes foram entrevistadas e 53,9% informaram ter recebido a vacina. Os fatores associados a uma maior prevalência de imunização foram: maior escolaridade materna, realização do pré-natal, ter realizado a vacina antitetânica e fazer o pré-natal em um serviço público. Por outro lado, o início do pré-natal após o primeiro trimestre reduziu a prevalência de imunização. Conclusões: os resultados apontam para a necessidade de reforçar a importância da imunização contra a Influenza entre mulheres grávidas e entre profissionais da saúde, independentemente da gravidade do atual cenário epidemiológico.
Vacina contra a gripe; Influenza humana; Mulheres grávidas; Fatores de risco; Cobertura de vacinação.
Objective: To identify the prevalence and factors associated with influenza vaccination in pregnant women. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in a municipality in the southernmost region of Brazil, which included all women giving birth in 2016. The outcome was having received the vaccine against influenza during pregnancy. Sociodemographic, behavioral and prenatal care characteristics and morbidities were analyzed. The analysis included sample description, the prevalence of vaccination for each independent variable and a multivariate analysis. Results: Two thousand six hundred ninety-four pregnant women were interviewed, of which 53.9% reported having been vaccinated. Factors associated with increased prevalence of vaccination were mother’s higher schooling, prenatal care, tetanus vaccination and prenatal care performed in a public service. On the other hand, prenatal care onset after the first quarter reduced the prevalence of vaccination. Conclusions: The results point to the need to reinforce the importance of vaccination against influenza among pregnant women and among health professionals, regardless of the severity of the current epidemiological setting.
Influenza vaccine; Human influenza; Pregnant women; Risk factors; Vaccine coverage.
Vacinação contra Influenza entre gestantes no Sul do Brasil e fatores associados.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To identify the prevalence and factors associated with influenza vaccination in pregnant women. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in a municipality in the southernmost region of Brazil, which included all women giving birth in 2016. The outcome was having received the vaccine against influenza during pregnancy. Sociodemographic, behavioral and prenatal care characteristics and morbidities were analyzed. The analysis included sample description, the prevalence of vaccination for each independent variable and a multivariate analysis. Results: Two thousand six hundred ninety-four pregnant women were interviewed, of which 53.9% reported having been vaccinated. Factors associated with increased prevalence of vaccination were mother’s higher schooling, prenatal care, tetanus vaccination and prenatal care performed in a public service. On the other hand, prenatal care onset after the first quarter reduced the prevalence of vaccination. Conclusions: The results point to the need to reinforce the importance of vaccination against influenza among pregnant women and among health professionals, regardless of the severity of the current epidemiological setting.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Influenza vaccine; Human influenza; Pregnant women; Risk factors; Vaccine coverage.
Mendoza-Sassi, R.A, Linhares, A. O, Schroeder, F.M.M, Maas, N.M, Nomiyama, S, Cesar, J. A.. Vaccination against influenza among pregnant women in southern Brazil and associated factors.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/mai). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vaccination-against-influenza-among-pregnant-women-in-southern-brazil-and-associated-factors/16781?id=16781