O artigo discute a complexidade da pandemia destacando as várias dimensões, intrínsecas e extrínsecas envolvidas no desenvolvimento das vacinas contra o SARS-CoV-2, com ênfase nos dois produtos mais avançados no campo dos testes clínicos. São eles, a vacina desenvolvida pela Universidade de Oxford associada à farmacêutica britânica AstraZeneca e a desenvolvida pela empresa chinesa Sinovac. Essa escolha deriva também do fato das duas estarem com atividades de testagem e, caso bem-sucedidas, futura produção no Brasil, respectivamente por Bio-Manguinhos na Fiocruz e pelo Instituto Butantã, em São Paulo. Do ponto de vista conceitual, o artigo parte da reflexão oriunda do campo da Saúde Coletiva que trata das fronteiras entre o biológico e o social. Procura ainda demonstrar que, caso sejam bem sucedidas, as vacinas, muito embora importantes ferramentas para o enfrentamento da pandemia, não dispensarão a continuidade de outras medidas não farmacológicas já utilizadas.
COVID-19; Saúde Coletiva; Vacinas.
The article discusses the complexity of the pandemics, emphasizing intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of vaccines, potentially the first pharmacological effective tool in combatting Sars-CoV-2. Two vacines are in the forefront in terms of development. They are the Oxford/AstraZeneca (UK) and the Sinovac (China) vaccines and they were chosen by us because Brazil is currently involved in clinical trials of both and will be also eventually in their production in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo since they succeed. Conceptually, the paper departCollective Health concepts, which deals with the importance of stressing boundaries between the social and biological fields. The paper also stress the idea that vaccines, albeit very important tools, should not abandon other non-pharmacological measures already in course.
The article discusses the complexity of the pandemics, emphasizing intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of vaccines, potentially the first pharmacological effective tool in combatting Sars-CoV-2. Two vacines are in the forefront in terms of development. They are the Oxford/AstraZeneca (UK) and the Sinovac (China) vaccines and they were chosen by us because Brazil is currently involved in clinical trials of both and will be also eventually in their production in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo since they succeed. Conceptually, the paper departCollective Health concepts, which deals with the importance of stressing boundaries between the social and biological fields. The paper also stress the idea that vaccines, albeit very important tools, should not abandon other non-pharmacological measures already in course.
Guimarães, R. Vacinas Anti-Covid: Um Olhar da Saúde Coletiva. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vacinas-anticovid-um-olhar-da-saude-coletiva/17697?id=17697