0034/2017 - Validação do Oral Impacts on Daily Performances para a População Portuguesa Validation of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances index among the Portuguese population
• Gonçalo Ferreira Godinho - Ferreira Godinho, Gonçalo - Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina Dentaria - <gnfgodinho@gmail.com>
• Rosário Mexia - Mexia, Rosário - Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina Dentaria, Dentistry - <rosariomexia@hotmail.com>
• Alexandre Cavalheiro - Cavalheiro, Alexandre - Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina Dentaria, Dentistry - <acavalheiro@me.com>
• Henrique Soares Luís - Soares Luís, Henrique - Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina Dentaria, Oral Hygiene - <henrique.luis@fmd.ulisboa.pt>
Área Temática:
Saúde Bucal
O Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) é um indicador de qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde oral. Foi desenvolvido com o intuito de avaliar o impacto das condições orais na capacidade de o indivíduo desempenhar atividades diárias. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi validar o OIDP para a população Portuguesa, com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos. Começou-se por obter uma versão portuguesa provisória: traduziu-se o original inglês e retro traduziu-se. Fizeram-se adaptações linguísticas e obteve-se a versão portuguesa do OIDP (OIDP-PT), aprovada por uma comissão de revisão composta por investigadores e tradutores. Fez-se o estudo piloto, com 36 participantes (26 em papel e 10 online). Por fim, realizou-se o estudo final com 513 participantes, tendo a recolha de dados sido feita online. Ao nível da confiabilidade, determinou-se o alfa de Cronbach (0,67) e o alfa com base em itens padronizados (0,69). A validade foi estudada nas suas várias vertentes: validade de face, de conteúdo, de construto e concorrente. O OIDP-PT mostrou ter boas propriedades psicométricas e ser um instrumento confiável e válido para ser aplicado à população portuguesa.
Qualidade de VidaIndicadoresEstudos de Validação ?
The Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) is an oral health-related quality of life indicator. It has been developed in order to evaluate the influence of oral state on self-ability to execute daily activities. This research main goal was to validate the OIDP index among the Portuguese population, aged 18 years or more. The first step was to obtain a provisional Portuguese version of OIDP: the original was translated from English, and then, back-translated. Some linguistic changes were made, and it was obtained the Portuguese final version, which was approved by a committee review, whose members were researchers and translators. Subsequently, it was performed a pilot study with 36 subjects (26 paper-pencil and 10 online). Finally, the final study was performed collecting data online from 513 subjects. For reliability, it was determined the Chronbach alfa (0.67) and the standardized item alpha (0.69). Validity was studied in its several subjects: face, content, construct and concurrent validity. The OIDP-PT showed good psychometric properties and is a reliable and valid instrument that can be applied to the Portuguese population.
Validation of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances index among the Portuguese population
Resumo (abstract):
The Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) is an oral health-related quality of life indicator. It has been developed in order to evaluate the influence of oral state on self-ability to execute daily activities. This research main goal was to validate the OIDP index among the Portuguese population, aged 18 years or more. The first step was to obtain a provisional Portuguese version of OIDP: the original was translated from English, and then, back-translated. Some linguistic changes were made, and it was obtained the Portuguese final version, which was approved by a committee review, whose members were researchers and translators. Subsequently, it was performed a pilot study with 36 subjects (26 paper-pencil and 10 online). Finally, the final study was performed collecting data online from 513 subjects. For reliability, it was determined the Chronbach alfa (0.67) and the standardized item alpha (0.69). Validity was studied in its several subjects: face, content, construct and concurrent validity. The OIDP-PT showed good psychometric properties and is a reliable and valid instrument that can be applied to the Portuguese population.
Ferreira Godinho, Gonçalo, Mexia, Rosário, Cavalheiro, Alexandre, Soares Luís, Henrique. Validação do Oral Impacts on Daily Performances para a População Portuguesa. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/fev). [Citado em 23/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/validacao-do-oral-impacts-on-daily-performances-para-a-populacao-portuguesa/16080?id=16080