0132/2023 - Variabilidade de preços de aquisição de medicamentos grupo 1B do Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica Drug purchasing price variability among the 1B group of the Pharmaceutical Specialized Scheme
No Sistema Único de Saúde os medicamentos do grupo 1 do Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica (CEAF) são financiados pela União e adquiridos de forma centralizada (grupo 1A) ou por cada Unidade Federativa (UF) (grupo 1B). Diferentemente de outros países onde se negocia um preço fixo a ser praticado no sistema público, no Brasil as aquisições são realizadas por licitação, o que pode levar a diferentes preços. Para permitir a comparação de preços, foi pactuada a obrigatoriedade de registro das aquisições públicas no Banco de Preços em Saúde (BPS). O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a variabilidade dos preços de medicamentos do grupo 1B adquiridos pelas UF do Brasil em 2021. Foram obtidas as aquisições de medicamentos do grupo 1B realizadas pelas Secretarias de Estado das 27 UF por consulta ao BPS excluindo-se os medicamentos sem preço de ressarcimento estabelecido em dez-21. Foi obtido do Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais o ressarcimento para cada UF. Verificou-se grande variabilidade dos preços de aquisição para cada medicamento entre as UF e dentro da mesma UF. O estudo demonstrou potencial iniquidade de acesso ao CEAF, privilegiando com menores preços UF mais favorecidas (maior população e riqueza).
Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde; Custos de Medicamentos; Negociação; Financiamento Governamental; Tecnologia de Alto Custo
In Brazilian Health System (SUS) drugs included in group 1 of the Specialized Pharmaceutical Scheme (CEAF) are federally funded and can be centrally acquired (Group 1A) of by the different States (Federal Units – UF) (Group 1B). Differently to other countries that negotiate a fix price to be used by the whole public health system, public procurement in Brazil must undergo a public auction procedure, which may result in different purchasing prices. To facilitate price comparison, registering public acquisitions in the Health Prices Registry (BPS) is a legal obligation. The present study aimed to assess the variability in purchasing prices in group 1B drugs acquired during 2021 by the 27 Brazilian states. Group 1B drugs acquired by Health Departments of the 27 states were obtainedthe BPS in April 2022, excluding drugs with no reimbursement price established in Dec-2021. Total amount reimbursed to each state was obtainedthe SUS Ambulatorial Information System. An important variability in drug purchasing prices across the states and in each state was found. The study demonstrated a potential inequity in the access to the CEAF, challenging health system’s universality by privileging with lower prices the more developed states (greater population, wealth).
Health Services Accessibility; Drug Costs; Negotiating; Financing, Government; Technology, High-Cost
Drug purchasing price variability among the 1B group of the Pharmaceutical Specialized Scheme
Resumo (abstract):
In Brazilian Health System (SUS) drugs included in group 1 of the Specialized Pharmaceutical Scheme (CEAF) are federally funded and can be centrally acquired (Group 1A) of by the different States (Federal Units – UF) (Group 1B). Differently to other countries that negotiate a fix price to be used by the whole public health system, public procurement in Brazil must undergo a public auction procedure, which may result in different purchasing prices. To facilitate price comparison, registering public acquisitions in the Health Prices Registry (BPS) is a legal obligation. The present study aimed to assess the variability in purchasing prices in group 1B drugs acquired during 2021 by the 27 Brazilian states. Group 1B drugs acquired by Health Departments of the 27 states were obtainedthe BPS in April 2022, excluding drugs with no reimbursement price established in Dec-2021. Total amount reimbursed to each state was obtainedthe SUS Ambulatorial Information System. An important variability in drug purchasing prices across the states and in each state was found. The study demonstrated a potential inequity in the access to the CEAF, challenging health system’s universality by privileging with lower prices the more developed states (greater population, wealth).
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Services Accessibility; Drug Costs; Negotiating; Financing, Government; Technology, High-Cost
Rossignoli, P., Pontarolo, R., Fernandez-Llimos, F. Variabilidade de preços de aquisição de medicamentos grupo 1B do Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/mai). [Citado em 27/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/variabilidade-de-precos-de-aquisicao-de-medicamentos-grupo-1b-do-componente-especializado-da-assistencia-farmaceutica/18758?id=18758