0365/2019 - Variação de IMC, padrões alimentares e atividade física entre adultos de 21 a 44 anos. BMI variation, dietary patterns and physical activity among adults aged 21-44 years.
Objetivo: Descrever a associação entre variação de IMC, padrões alimentares e atividade física entre adultos de 21 a 44 anos no período de 2007 a 2012. Métodos: Estudo transversal com a base de dados do VIGITEL. Padrões alimentares foram identificados com Análise de Principais Componentes para o período de 2007 a 2012. Componentes com autovalores >1,0 foram retidos e cargas fatoriais superiores a |0,3| foram destacadas. Para cada indivíduo, um escore foi calculado por padrão. Em seguida foi criada variável de diferença do Índice de Massa Corporal (?IMC). Regressão linear com desfecho ?IMC e regressão de Poisson com desfecho obesidade foram conduzidas. Resultados: Quatro padrões alimentares foram retidos: Prudente, Transição, Ocidental e Tradicional. Após ajuste multivariável, ?IMC mostrou-se inversamente associada à prática de atividade física no lazer. Obesidade apresentou associação positiva com padrão Ocidental, assistir à televisão ?3 horas por dia e inatividade física. Obesidade mostrou-se inversamente associada com padrão Prudente, padrão Tradicional, prática de atividade física no lazer e prática de atividade física no trabalho. Conclusão: Padrões alimentares baseados em alimentos in natura e minimamente processados e prática de atividade física constituem fatores de proteção para a obesidade.
Objective: To describe the association between BMI variation, eating patterns and physical activity among adults aged 21 to 44 years2007 to 2012. Methods: Cross-sectional study with the VIGITEL database. Eating patterns were identified with Principal Components Analysis for the period2007 to 2012. Components with eigenvalues>1.0 were retained and factor loadings greater than |0.3| were highlighted. For everyone, a score was calculated by each pattern. Then, the difference Body Mass Index (ΔBMI) variable was created. Linear regression with ΔBMI outcome and Poisson regression with obesity outcome were conducted. Results: Four eating patterns were retained: Prudent, Transition, Western and Traditional. After multivariate adjustment, ΔBMI was inversely associated to practice of physical activity in leisure. Obesity presented a positive association with Western pattern, watching television ≥3 hours a day and physical inactivity. Obesity was inversely associated with Prudent pattern, Traditional pattern, practice of physical activity in leisure and practice of physical activity at work. Conclusion: Eating patterns based on unprocessed and minimally processed foods and practice of physical activity are protective factors to obesity.
BMI variation, dietary patterns and physical activity among adults aged 21-44 years.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To describe the association between BMI variation, eating patterns and physical activity among adults aged 21 to 44 years2007 to 2012. Methods: Cross-sectional study with the VIGITEL database. Eating patterns were identified with Principal Components Analysis for the period2007 to 2012. Components with eigenvalues>1.0 were retained and factor loadings greater than |0.3| were highlighted. For everyone, a score was calculated by each pattern. Then, the difference Body Mass Index (ΔBMI) variable was created. Linear regression with ΔBMI outcome and Poisson regression with obesity outcome were conducted. Results: Four eating patterns were retained: Prudent, Transition, Western and Traditional. After multivariate adjustment, ΔBMI was inversely associated to practice of physical activity in leisure. Obesity presented a positive association with Western pattern, watching television ≥3 hours a day and physical inactivity. Obesity was inversely associated with Prudent pattern, Traditional pattern, practice of physical activity in leisure and practice of physical activity at work. Conclusion: Eating patterns based on unprocessed and minimally processed foods and practice of physical activity are protective factors to obesity.
Santos, I.K.S, Conde, W.L. Variação de IMC, padrões alimentares e atividade física entre adultos de 21 a 44 anos.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/variacao-de-imc-padroes-alimentares-e-atividade-fisica-entre-adultos-de-21-a-44-anos/17439?id=17439