0047/2022 - Variação temporal da ocorrência do excesso de peso e da obesidade abdominal em adolescentes da cidade de Salvador, Bahia Temporal variation in the occurrence of overweight and abdominal obesity in adolescents in the city of Salvador, Bahia
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a variação temporal da ocorrência do excesso de peso e da obesidade abdominal em adolescentes de escolas públicas de uma capital do nordeste brasileiro. Trata-se de um estudo incluindo informações de três levantamentos transversais realizados nos anos de 2001, 2009 e 2017, com 2.496 escolares de 10 a 18 anos de ambos os sexos, residentes na cidade de Salvador, Bahia. O excesso de peso foi avaliado por meio do Índice de Massa Corpórea para idade (IMC/I) e obesidade abdominal foi avaliada pela circunferência da cintura e razão cintura-estatura. A regressão Pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares), de efeito constante foi utilizada para avaliar a variação dos indicadores antropométricos ao longo do período. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a prevalência de excesso de peso cresceu 103% e os indicadores da obesidade abdominal, circunferência da cintura e razão cintura-estatura, cresceram 153% e 142%, respectivamente no período analisado. Aumento na média do Índice de Massa Corpórea e da Razão cintura estatura foi maior entre as adolescentes e da média do IMC e da circunferência da cintura entre aqueles de 14 e 19 anos de idade. Conclui-se que houve expressivo crescimento nas prevalências do excesso de peso e da obesidade abdominal no período de 2001 a 2017 entre os adolescentes da cidade de Salvador.
The aim of the study was to analyze the temporal variation in the occurrence of overweight and abdominal obesity in adolescentspublic schools in a capital in northeastern Brazil. This is a study including informationthree cross-sectional surveys carried out in 2001, 2009 and 2017, with 2,496 students aged 10 to 18 years of both sexes, residing in the city of Salvador, Bahia. Overweight was assessed using the Body Mass Index for Age (BMI/A) and abdominal obesity was assessed using waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio. Pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) regression, with constant effect, was used to assess the variation of anthropometric indicators over the period. The results of this study indicate that the prevalence of overweight increased by 103% and the indicators of abdominal obesity, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio increased by 153% and 142%, respectively, in the analyzed period. The increase in the mean body mass index and waist-to-height ratio was greater among adolescents and in the mean BMI and waist circumference among those aged 14 to 19 years. It is concluded that there was a significant increase in the prevalence of overweight and abdominal obesity in the period 2001 to 2017 among adolescents in the city of Salvador.
Temporal variation in the occurrence of overweight and abdominal obesity in adolescents in the city of Salvador, Bahia
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the study was to analyze the temporal variation in the occurrence of overweight and abdominal obesity in adolescentspublic schools in a capital in northeastern Brazil. This is a study including informationthree cross-sectional surveys carried out in 2001, 2009 and 2017, with 2,496 students aged 10 to 18 years of both sexes, residing in the city of Salvador, Bahia. Overweight was assessed using the Body Mass Index for Age (BMI/A) and abdominal obesity was assessed using waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio. Pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) regression, with constant effect, was used to assess the variation of anthropometric indicators over the period. The results of this study indicate that the prevalence of overweight increased by 103% and the indicators of abdominal obesity, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio increased by 153% and 142%, respectively, in the analyzed period. The increase in the mean body mass index and waist-to-height ratio was greater among adolescents and in the mean BMI and waist circumference among those aged 14 to 19 years. It is concluded that there was a significant increase in the prevalence of overweight and abdominal obesity in the period 2001 to 2017 among adolescents in the city of Salvador.
Damascena, N. F, Costa, P. R. F., Assis, A. M. O., Queiroz, V.A.O, Santana, M.L.P., Silva, R.C.R, Pinto,E.J, Pitangueira, J. C. D., Machado, M. E. P. C.. Variação temporal da ocorrência do excesso de peso e da obesidade abdominal em adolescentes da cidade de Salvador, Bahia. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/abr). [Citado em 06/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/variacao-temporal-da-ocorrencia-do-excesso-de-peso-e-da-obesidade-abdominal-em-adolescentes-da-cidade-de-salvador-bahia/18303?id=18303